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[BEC中级] BEC中级写作:抱怨和索赔信函(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
For Inferior Quality (由于质量低劣而抱怨)    ; k* u9 b. X( a& g- ?5 [  i
Dear Sirs,    ) \% b! R$ N! a2 @" P8 a
With reference to our Order No. 315, we are compelled to express our strong complaints for the inferior quality . Compared to the sample No .169, the arrived self-adhesive correction tape is very transparent and does not satisfactorily cover the error being corrected .   
' Z( X/ l+ K7 h7 `5 R6 _, t" WWe shall be glad to have your explanation of this inferiority in the quality , and also to know what you purpose to do in this matter .   
% u  {! N1 ]* r, u7 {) N9 WSincerely yours,XXX   
4 }* R' y: w8 H2 e' s' Y5 x& e亲爱的先生们:关于我方第315号订单,由于到货质量低劣,我主被迫表达强烈的不满。同169号样品经较,此次运到的修改带稀薄,无法满意覆盖被改正的错误。我方希望贵方对这一情况加以解释,并告知贵方对此事的处理方法。  

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