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[BEC中级] 2012年下半年商务英语考试中级写作提纲14

发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 v3 A5 o  R& P! M要求提供信息:2 B. A/ S  i  Q
  Please could you We would be grateful if you could We would appreciate it if you could give us further details about ..6 a/ ?% V9 ^  }* K
  inform us (about/if) … let us know ( about/if ) … e would like to know ( about/if ) …2 o" |6 Z/ n% ~) c( Y- w/ p, D$ P
  注:如果需要特别重要的信息,可以在以上句型前使用:in particular。
: _  O) e  ~. b3 d% T/ S" L  环境:外语学习网
0 c4 _- C. G2 a  You wrote a letter to someone and they haven’t replied. You want to know if they received the letter.6 r& L; l# o! R; ?  {) u
  We would be grateful if you could let us know if the letter has reached you.% }- y1 Y+ @0 K* l
  A businessman is going to your country. He wants you to get a visa for him. You need all the details about his passport (his nationality, date of birth, where his passport was issued, and when it expires).
# x6 q& X( U/ J  Please could you give details about your passport. I would like to know your nationality, date of birth, where your passport was issued and when it expires.
" T* m- h$ V* i0 r1 ~8 b  You want to know about the same businessman’s flight (flight number, date and time of arrival).
! v% l6 Y1 ?4 c5 e$ {  In particular, I would like to know your flight number, date and time of arrival.

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