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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级听力之常见电话用语6

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级听力之常见电话用语6) G" r4 X) I. J% M% E1 T
 Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong?是的。你们还有10号早上7点半去香港的机票吗?   Yes, we have. For how many?有,要几张?
. p" z2 F4 g9 \( ~* o% D; t$ t; Y  Please keep two for us to pick up.请给我保留两张。2 q; a7 }8 F/ t
  Would you prefer a window, aside or enter seat?您喜欢靠窗、走道还是中间的位置?
# T" [( d" d& Z3 l8 T7 n  Window, please.靠窗的吧。
; M$ A% D; k; b! j7 I) b  OK.好的。! z' M, Q7 u; ~/ d8 t$ u
  Please have two window seats placed aside for us.请为我们保留两个*窗口的位子。
" F3 `8 d% v! t. B  There aren't window seats left, but a few enter seats are open.那些*窗的位子已没有了,但里面的位子还有。
/ ]) a9 k/ O7 ]  All window seats are sold out.所有*窗口的位子都卖光了。中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
* j7 t3 R4 H& X. I  Hello, my name is Tom with Steve Rogers.喂,你好,我是Steve Rogers公司的汤姆。$ g' w4 R4 k: z+ F# x3 l
  I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu.我想跟徐小姐约个会面的时间。8 m6 ?: L0 k! T" Y
  Yes, Mr. Tom. Let me check Miss Xu's schedule.好,汤姆先生。让我查查徐小姐的日程表。
( T/ h( G* @) g, p/ Z7 e  Oh, she has an opening tomorrow at ten.哦,她明天上午10点有空。
" U/ P* \% Z9 _/ J; O( u7 D: O& G  I'm afraid I'll be tied up tomorrow at ten.恐怕明天上午10点我很忙。

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