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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:换座位

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:换座位 : ^- K/ L% G% b
Change my seat  , x2 F9 z. b& m% C
换座位  ) q, @, r4 v. T: _6 b+ ^% P& J1 M
Practical Conversation  6 e$ F( K6 V% e8 O6 H
9 H2 a, ?/ ^3 m' _  OA:Excuse me,sir.You are not supposed to smoke here.  2 `5 Q1 o# u0 Y' t* {; b* B( x
对不起,先生, 你不能在这里吸烟。  4 j8 _2 f" P  |6 k+ }% f, u# I/ Q; m
B:I beg your pardon?  4 i  b0 Q. _1 G2 ~8 }6 e: n
) {& @6 O# U) E- s, ?( E; JA:Your seat is in the non-smoking section.So,please refrain from smoking.  
& T$ v- b# i% `1 `/ D+ k你坐在非吸烟区所以请不要吸烟。  # {1 v4 M  N4 `3 Z' r% U
B:Oh,I see.Since I’m a heavy smoker,may I change my seat?  5 _# F; u& I$ @
中华考试网(www.Examw。com)哦,我知道了,因为我是个老烟民,我可以换个座位吗?  3 f' l+ ]& |! [3 F, n
A:Then,I’ll try to find a seat in the smoking section.One moment,please.  
; S- w) |& X# ?: ?5 U那么,我想办法在吸烟区找个座位,请等一会儿。  ; U% l3 x3 c: q, K2 Q/ }. w
A:Thank you for waiting.I found a seat in the smoking section for you.  $ z5 z* F. ?+ V, U- \
让您久等了.我在吸烟区为你找到了一个座位。  6 T6 N6 F, T1 D" i4 H
B:Oh,did you?Thanks a lot.  
$ m0 M  r, R$ I' {$ h: I哦,是吗?多谢。

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