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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级听力之常见电话用语8

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级听力之常见电话用语8) a% g% f; y& E8 Z' f& q
Hello, I have a bad headache.喂,我的头痛得很厉害。
- y* d# G+ K0 s% m  r( q9 b4 u# ?  I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time.我想尽快看医生。
8 m0 L* d# L+ ~# `6 p( g  b! r) U  May I make an appointment now?现在可以预约门诊吗?
- n' b5 C- l6 Z& `' j9 Z  Yes, but Dr. Lee's schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight?可以,不过李医生今天的时间排满了。今晚9点好吗?
7 a  r" U0 q* W& |  That's fine. I think I can wait till then.好的,我想我可以等到那时候。# n: ]% }4 j5 h6 |
  May I have your name and number, please?请问你的姓名和电话号码?来自www.Examw.com6 @2 s: z$ A. i9 D6 V% _/ U
  The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127.我姓王,电话是363-1127。% a: i; B( s8 k" q# b
  Thank you, Mr. Wang. See you later.谢谢您,王先生。再见!0 ]6 W3 g: ]" E" N' Y0 @
  Dr. Tyler's office. Good morning.早上好,泰勒医务所。
0 v( j" L( j7 E. ]9 N  Good moring. This is Huang Feng.早上好,我叫黄凤。' G% ]0 L1 S4 V; ]
  Are you sick?你病了吗?$ ^  Y" |! A5 \
  Yes, I have a terrible cold.是的,我得了重感冒。

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