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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:身体不适

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:身体不适9 u" Q: N% I* R3 ~4 |: h$ j9 [
Practical Conversation
9 j; P/ b' T2 D实用会话
' Y4 t# x- X% X3 ^# f1 h! jA:Excuse me, Miss.My friend is sick.: f0 W9 Z  u9 @1 Z% G
# a0 M$ ~) _8 i! j2 e5 g/ QB:Is he?Yes,he looks pale.Is there anything I can do for him?" n& g1 \9 c3 n0 _
是他吗?是的,他看起来面色苍白。我能为他做些什么吗?" u+ y% Z/ L. o0 O  `" f+ B
A:Yes.Please give him some water.
. V; D8 L6 N% d- x( W9 u是的,请给他拿些水。& _; {5 ~3 a3 c2 F2 `" x9 T6 _+ W
% V% q+ m5 q) \好的。' g8 I! r( B6 F: W' }/ Q
A:And do you have any medicine for airsickness?
/ X8 x( n1 c! U* u. ]$ P5 c还要问一下,你们有晕机 药吗?
/ C7 _% P6 \0 T* @# \  P" RB:Well,yes.I'll give him the medicine,too.8 M, _+ ?; \# f1 p
哦,有。我也会给他拿来晕机药的。) d0 G4 A& S4 [! m' v
A:I appreciate your help.  ?' z  K# n' V

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