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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:预约1

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:预约1; u+ N/ h) L7 U6 E8 v9 l' p
我们找不到预约的轿车  {! y. r* Q' {# }0 E* F
Practical Conversation
% |3 S$ A! Y- `实用会话
: F7 [3 V" _9 a$ G- o( W! JHello, is this the ABC Company?
2 r! i( m7 K% s& B0 ]6 R喂,这是ABC公司吗?+ r$ `7 V* p+ |* n
Yes. May I help you?
& u( }' [$ T, P- D  f$ y( F是的,我能为你服务吗?
# c4 e/ _. `" X9 T* tWe have just arrived from Tokyo and we're been looking for our reserved car of your company all over,but we cannot find it.
" J  V+ t: g$ y8 q8 l7 U+ z我们刚从东京来的,我们一直在寻找与贵公司预约好的轿车,但我们找不到。. I5 E4 Q( n- g5 \
What is your reservation number?
( n1 _& x3 {! [$ J4 R( `4 W4 e8 y请问你的预约号码好吗?8 `" k) j4 X& ~& K& E& _5 b
Our reservation number is J-221.* {; R& f0 X. m/ d. v  z+ d
我们的预约号码是J-221号。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
1 Q2 e8 n; c# w0 H+ NLet me see.Oh,yes.We have your reservation$ _! _8 \: t3 |9 m( v. u
请让我查一下,是的.我 们有你的预约号码。
5 \: W7 D5 o; m( e) ?4 r$ Q; LYou mean you haven't arranged any car.4 F, [; `) I$ j7 d/ R) W% O4 {
你的意思是你们没有安排任何车。4 A4 y6 S1 C+ x
I'm sorry to say "No."
" I# U# y  [) ]3 c很抱歉,"没有"。
" t1 g+ X6 W, s5 c1 x* i  o# mHere,I'll take a taxi instead.How do you refund us?
+ Q* s4 l4 U# F2 M% h% z8 x: E我改坐出租车,你们怎样补偿我们呢?
  S* i5 J9 E( H$ ]. B0 u- q+ m9. We cannot find your name7 H* H) A$ ^# g1 g5 A
我们找不到你的姓名; |; B  R2 D! n4 G: [
Practical Conversation* m- l$ V; a* ^0 ~. R4 T* [
; w" M, R& u/ ]Do you have a reservation?
6 b+ q; N! Z% X你有预约吗?
/ G5 D& {' j) A! B7 e$ uYes, here's our confirmation slip.
5 w8 ]* u6 {1 a是的,这就是我们的确认单。6 H7 E! M4 a+ x1 ^
I'm afraid we have no reservation by this name.
7 {0 Z" \& H. G# x我恐怕我们找不到这个名字的预约。* m  k6 h" R4 J' f4 z3 }
No reservation?Well, then, do you have any rooms available?/ ~9 L9 v$ b: x, M% j( T
* I* x9 O3 u4 L2 `" cI'm afraid all the rooms are fully booked.) l2 M/ t- a# i2 |
我恐怕所有房间都订满了。: \" M6 N- Y" ?) X
You mean we can't stay in this hotel tonight?
9 l* P& v9 s$ }1 ]5 A' U6 Z: x9 l你意思是我们今晚不能进住这家饭店吗?4 _- j9 L, C) D1 w7 t0 r
You're right.We have no more rooms available for tonight.
5 t) [, S6 y$ J" u% `, m4 T你说对了.我们今晚没有多余的空房间了。1 v6 q1 [: W, D* }/ ~
Then,would you recommend any other nearby hotel?
5 I. V; c( o: C. w, `& k那么,能给我们推荐附近其他饭店吗?2 y# N% K; b+ i/ q3 {$ n: ^  r
OK, I'll call ahead.
& i: C- ~5 h; M# G( p5 {* T+ N好的,我就打电话。

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