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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:钥匙

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 H' n0 N, W8 ?# d7 X0 v I've left my key in my room
* p! f& n& P' t( n6 y( Q我把钥匙留在房内了5 g2 u% S" y. S  \2 ~
Practical Conversation5 O% e) |; v& X- F
7 X! w9 E9 R2 ?; M+ b+ ]) q% pA:I can't get into my room.I mean I left my room key inside.www.examw.com4 P0 N+ |$ _$ H: b1 M. C6 d" W
我进不了房间了,我的意思是我把钥匙留在房内了。# F; V" c  s2 b4 G$ ~7 A
B:I see, sir
' h$ G; y, \, u3 c3 }: m我明白,先生。/ t  M+ ?; p2 }) @; C8 E2 d6 z
Those two ladies in front of your room did the same thing twenty minutes ago
# j- |7 F' X6 {( v7 k0 S那两位女士在20分钟前发生了同样的事情
& q* F$ k9 p3 |# V. ^A:Oh,did they?Well,would you give us an extra key to the room?
. ^. A6 @. v# c; M6 X; ^6 ]2 m哦,是吗?请你再给我一把钥匙好吗?: R3 k0 i, ^! n6 b9 ^
B:I'm afraid we have no extra key.So I'll send somebody to your room.
; M/ P% _+ ?! Z% s+ E' U; J+ _& g我们没有额外钥匙所以我派人到你的房间去。
/ l5 e; L$ w% q9 gA:By the way.what should I do with the key when I go out?
% _& h& @; L4 c9 \; |1 R顺便问一下,我出去时,钥匙怎么办?7 l% q" W* [0 G$ `  ^& r6 ]& @5 y" r* L
B:Please drop it at front desk when you leave the hotel.
# d; b4 e$ J+ s, m4 o你离开饭店时请把钥匙放在前台。

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