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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:浴缸内的热水过多

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:浴缸内的热水过多) e! c6 [( h$ L9 {0 H7 m$ w
浴缸内的热水过多2 U0 n$ n1 t% k8 h, W. w% E7 S6 k
Practical Conversation/ ~# z2 a6 s& v' |: }7 ~) o( l
# o$ i; Y0 l/ z' TA:Hello.Hot water overflowed from the bathtub.Will you help me?
+ q9 t3 S6 G/ Z! x5 H热水从浴缸内流出来了请你来帮忙好吗?
: `: Q7 u  d3 h# r& zB:Would you turn off the tap?0 M, X1 j, w% m5 b( v
- j, ^) J; O. ^A:I did it.外语学习网2 F: \/ [+ K- t& V' W; p
4 K' O6 r2 o' J( KB:Then will you put the towels under the bathroom door?
/ k( w% C2 m: b" C' `8 ?请你在浴室门口放上毛巾好吗?$ z$ F; s7 f! y& X
A:OK. I will., ?- E5 t' I. R
好的。( ^" h1 N, }. w! }0 ~: L% X
B:I'll have our housekeeper come right away.
; I; |( ?" _4 K; v8 r; A$ A# L" j4 h我马上叫我们的管理人员来。
$ {, x6 J8 X& f6 t! g5 iA:I'm sorry I was too tired to fall asleep.
0 l3 k9 b' P2 o) A& M抱歉,我很累,想要睡觉了。8 n% V( \, \0 N0 H/ M: m. A0 i
B:When you woke up,the water was coming out of the tub.
" A, G/ }8 z# g9 e: a( t6 I4 J你醒来时水从浴缸内流出来了。
" _; M2 K/ `$ N5 |4 ^$ eA:Right.Can I compensate for the damage with the travel accident insurance?
6 n! m% G9 K6 P我可以用旅行保险来补偿损失吗?

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