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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:公厕

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:公厕; I- P% ^' X5 H& Y7 b
Where is the rest room?
3 \3 Z, L/ Z% P0 q公厕在哪里?; I2 _) o6 s; H8 _- L4 }
Practical Conversation
! I+ q/ D' x$ ?1 L实用会话9 x& Y4 ^3 N4 T9 b
A:Excuse me. Is there any rest room around here?  o' z8 M6 Y6 w$ B; M  X: F  `/ J' M% }
对不起,这附近有厕所吗?中华考试网4 Q/ l2 V2 j) q* U2 H/ S% M
B:I'm sorry, but I don't know. I'm a stranger here myself.! o* }* o+ z7 r/ ?7 D
% ?0 s; V! `# ^/ hA:Oh, I see.
6 \  k% W. t8 p; v我明白了。
; l2 }$ D6 q0 _+ JB:Why don't you go to a coffee shop or somewhere else and order a cup of coffee?4 ~- b" W) L5 @+ a* Y+ u$ w7 u( V
" d% x; o* L- K# i8 MThere you'll find nice and clean rest rooms+ }0 a# Y- g" [: P: k7 x$ J
: L) D2 |1 D4 F6 ~9 |) W6 hB:Good afternoon.What can I do for you?
) M% _# d# v9 o4 S4 o) F4 w下午好,您要点什么?
2 y6 e; u  X' g* r6 d; ]. K+ OA:I'll have a cup of coffee, please.Where's the men's room?. |7 n6 y9 P; ]7 A  a4 j
请给我一杯咖啡,请问男厕所在哪里?9 M9 f3 [' x; x! ~' s
B:It's over there near the door.
6 J' p! S1 _7 E1 Y9 Y- u# J就在靠近门的那边。

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