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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:保险箱的钥匙

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:保险箱的钥匙" y7 m, i3 t0 ?) `1 E* \( Y' l
保险箱的钥匙在哪里?, `- ^4 O8 R" v: y( c
Practical Conversation" b% x+ l2 U9 K" Q8 g; ~9 }
实用会话* Q& D  g# v) N; G/ B
A:I am sorry to say this, but I seem to have lost the key to the safe
# L- u7 ^1 p% Y( P7 _* u9 C% ?我好像已把保险箱的钥匙掉了。
  {* y3 N$ J" a5 ~0 MB:Where do you think you lost it? Outside the hotel?外语学习网9 m$ g9 J' x+ K4 D; U
你想想看掉在哪里?是掉在饭店外面吗?" c9 s  A1 i/ L
A:Yes, I believe so. How should I compensate for this?
% g+ @% Y" L4 @& ]( w& E) a我相信是,我该怎样赔偿这个呢?
3 f$ z+ G0 E) |+ b) R; HB:I'm afraid, ma'am, you have to pay U.S.$100 since you lost the key.
* b% l# }4 S! K2 G& v; }( Q夫人,你遗失钥匙要付美金100元。( x: b! K" h* q7 s6 V
A:What! One hundred U.S. dollars.Is it covered by the insurance?
0 o% N+ t' c' i% `100元美金没有包含在保险金里吗?& k. |: i( z% G2 D2 s4 O
B:I'm afraid no.It is not covered by this insurance.
: G& C4 \7 _) g' ^: j% H, S恐怕没有,保险金不包含这个的。

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