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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:价格

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:价格' V$ r  Q- k1 y) i
; G  J) [' n% C& h! bPractical Conversation
+ Z" W! k" @; x5 b实用会话6 g5 g3 ~, E1 C% W/ s+ K5 s% i
A:Take me to this address,please.; ]: E4 K& S! F1 e. k* m6 R1 D
请把我送到这个地址。; b. P. e- l, M
B:Yes, ma'am...Here we are.
1 ^3 T, ]! ?$ d# w是的,夫人...我们到了。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
7 a5 [: g, f8 [+ ZA:How much do I owe you,sir?
8 W% A5 N2 m7 }/ @. A9 k我要付你多少钱,先生?. a9 C( z( k8 t! _/ T9 D9 b
B:30 dollars, ma'am.
; i+ ]$ q& P7 JB:30美金,夫人。% [- M3 o; Z4 D4 z' N
A:Are you kidding?The meter says 15 dollars,doesn't it?: b8 x% x8 N! H
* f9 i& e& s8 ^) i8 DB:Yes, but we need some extra charge and some tip,too.
' y' N% `3 Y( T! }  `  Q* xB:是的,但我们需要一些额外费用和一些小费。
' u2 X4 W; x( E  j4 z; ~* EA:I don't get it.
1 T9 h- k2 @0 G: D) @: ^# z1 |A:我不接受,/ c7 A# ~, M, `: a' q2 b
I'll go and have that doorman talk to you then.' r& d  @& A0 B
我让那门卫和你谈。6 {1 s, c. g9 _% r1 m' W& u1 V( @8 T
B:OK, ma'am. Calm down,15 dollars will do.9 z0 z# T  b( Q" y( y

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