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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:点餐

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 y4 `2 O. d% z4 i9 l This is not what I ordered
2 }6 Q  Z" I' }. M+ |这不是我点的
/ G/ G2 o1 l# r' |6 zPractical Conversation+ S# U' e# B8 c0 z
- I' A  H7 u! x- a4 W! XA:I'll have sole,then.
+ l/ U7 K! I( A  MA:我要吃比目鱼(鲽鱼)。
1 v$ @( C  B& k8 s* h2 GB:All right.How about other guests?www.ExamW.CoM
! x* P6 I, {; z( ]6 Y! gB:好的,其他客人呢?
* l0 t1 R' J' F9 ]4 L' y$ gA:The rest of us will have this today's special,please.B:OK.3 t& z+ `$ i% A9 u) w; G+ ]/ z
A:其他人要吃今天的特餐。 B:好的。2 U3 T" r3 }9 t+ A: a
A:I'm sorry but I ordered sole,not the same as the others.Will you change it?
0 e' w3 O" h" N9 S抱歉,我点的是比目鱼,跟其他人的不同请你换掉好吗?
" n& \9 \4 O% N5 a: C( UB:I'm afraid we have no more sole.
. z$ [: A, j) l( X- c7 d+ }恐怕我们没有比目鱼了。
9 t2 X/ g7 q) a; V4 U( UA:Then,I'll have this pork cutlet instead.
, `( Y9 B4 D8 |4 W8 B% ?那么,我就吃炸猪排吧。
/ y, s" m% U: _# ~+ M8 ^1 sB:Certainly.Just a moment,sir.
0 L1 X5 n- g: @; `1 t( k+ A4 l好的,请稍等,先生。

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