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[BEC初级] 2012年商务英语初级考试口语教程:这东西不是我买的

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% O/ O9 X4 H& ^' a% |  V) ZThis is not what I bought
# _$ a" c  G, Z: |6 t/ Z这东西不是我买的: x. i8 ^2 X0 O+ U  h$ Q  g. J
Practical Conversation8 _7 a, G* A- G
% h2 G. s8 q# ^; O, PA:Hello.I bought a china dress in your shop this morning.( I) C/ _  h: P  g: g
你好,我今天上午在你们店里买了一件唐装。1 j& q: z; ]( v8 M& O' ?5 t
B:Yes?来自www.Examw.com# I9 z8 u* A3 @/ {! a
+ {3 a# a8 U/ m7 e1 ^; PA:I bought it one size up by mistake.2 r8 \. s4 A* `, }. ^' c5 e
# G8 D1 {6 z, P  @2 X" `* I' X1 mB:Oh, did you?
9 @# ]; A* [9 n% o& X" T9 H' C是吗?) H( x8 [7 l/ Y0 X
A:I wonder if you can change it to one size down
+ I4 C  R$ V) ]0 g  l不知道你是否能给我换件小一号的?
& G3 c$ @2 x+ [5 \. EB:Yes, of course.Will you come with the receipt?
7 T8 o4 f6 u' R6 L是的,当然.请您带收据过来好吗?" b% I" ~: `3 x( R: F4 }
A:Then I'll come to your place later in the evening and how late is your shop open?2 r$ v% q5 J# ~* y1 h7 y+ p
那我晚上过来吧,贵店营业到几点呢?( f$ W* r3 O5 t0 }! a- H- l0 G
B:Until 8 o'clock, ma'am.We are looking forward to seeing you.' p: |! L+ `+ O0 \( o; V" X

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