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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语:汉英对照商务英语810句(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  我要和麦考伊先生讲话好吗? May I talk to Mr.McCoy?
5 g  [) p6 g* ?- U. G" A  我能用一下电话吗? May I use the telephone?2 T: l. ^  m0 J3 k+ I
  我姓沈。 This is Shen calling.3 I1 Q( R" a5 B, t, m- P7 ?
  沈先生吗? Is that Mr.Shen?
5 W! _6 Y4 s8 C% _  是的,我姓沈。 Yes, this is Shen speaking.: {# u: x1 l+ {, z0 X
  你要和谁讲话? Whom do you want to talk to?6 o" F) F7 h2 g+ o; \0 r  j" ]
  我要和杰克先生讲话。 I'd like to speak to Mr. Jack." @- H4 u: U$ B. p. J! Y5 ]
  我会打电话到他的公司和你联络。 Ill connect you with his office.
' r7 Q) @" i7 c* F8 l" b! J  抱歉让你久等了,接通了。 Sorry kept you waiting so long. You are on .
6 W$ f' T$ O0 F' d! D  p/ _0 t  占线。 The line is busy.; r1 y* ^; L# d2 m+ d/ G
  没有人接电话。 No answer.
7 a, |& t: n7 x* u/ p  他正在通话。 He is on the phone.
* u% Z4 l1 G9 @+ ]9 w  ?  这个电话不通。 This telephone line is interrupted.
8 Z# N: n; @+ c( f4 L6 |  电话串线了。 The wire has got crossed./ q5 Y* w; o0 J% y* `, c2 f* k
  请问是谁打来的? Who is speaking?9 B' ^' `' ?4 m/ ^
  恐怕你打错号码了。 I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
# V0 C( n! `. L9 K# n  打265-5822. Ill calling 265-5822.
6 w  U( v) n. H9 [) K, e4 _  请挂电话。 Please ring off.1 @( ?5 O( a* T& A1 v
  我回电话给你。 Ill call you back.: n, e  J, b) E5 t1 @0 i
  让我在电话中和她讲些话。 Let me talk to her over the phone.! l1 t% g! D  h1 _# M3 m# A% y7 `2 h
  请你叫沈小姐来接电话好吗? Would you call Miss Shen to the telephone?
' G2 [9 D% j$ a/ b2 o  x2 [) v  抱歉,她外出了,你要留口信吗? Sorry, She is out. Shall I take a message?
9 b8 W, y3 |0 k: {  我会请她回电话。 I'm going to put on to her.1 b- M5 c$ {' u  N$ y
  声音不清楚。 The voice is not distinct./ O. A* i- a  q, B, ]% w
  打电话到我办公室。 Give me a ring at my office.* o2 ^' _. q4 C2 ?+ b
  我要打对方付费的电话到台湾的台北。 I'd like to make an overseas call to Taibei, Taiwan by collect call.
$ G$ {  U/ P2 s+ V  我要打到伦敦的叫人电话好吗? Can I fix an overseas call to London by person-to-person call?
- }8 F+ ~7 {  n% L  对方的姓名是什么? What is your parts name?# R5 h. V5 f( O) g6 s
  你的姓是怎样拼写的? How do you spell your last name?) p% F: \, L, k0 R, T& P
  请换成英镑吧。 Pound Sterling please.. _. \9 B8 ?: t* s4 V
  这个,呃,我看可以。您想透支多少? Well, er, in your case, I see no reason why not. Whats your proposition?- }2 u. f/ p4 r2 m
  这笔透支要利息吗? Is there any interest on this money?' l5 w0 F& ?, @# n- o
  是的,先生。本月12日这一天您的帐户上透支了15美元。 Yes, sir. Your account was overdrawn 15 dollars on the 12th of this month.
3 D6 |/ |7 D5 `0 C, M  根据规定,先生,您应该补偿银行付的那笔款了。 According to the regulations, sir, youll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid.
9 ]& @* \- l+ L  V  我想买些旅行支票。 I want to buy some travellers checks.
; J& O, F  d  ^  w0 p* o& i  听说你们储蓄率刚调过,是真的吗? I have been told you have just changed the interest rate on savings accounts. Is that true?
, I! X7 E5 u1 O( |  S2 ~  您支票本带来了没有? Have you got your cheque book with you?
, ]# u2 H- n4 [1 h" |  您要转帐的金额。 The amount you want to transfer.
- V. V4 S8 p. U, L  大概在3天后,支票就可以兑现了。 The cheque will be cleared in about three days.# p0 _$ e2 c+ \
  噢,原来是这样,那我再去查查看。 I see. Ill go and check.$ `$ ?8 V  U! k5 s6 X
  我能否用万事达卡来兑换些钱吗? Hello, may I change some money with my Master card?
( R4 R( s( O. ~. A$ w  可以,让我看看您的卡。 Yes, you can. Would you please show me your card?
+ {, w- L% h& z. S& }; W' F% ^6 e  这是您1000美元所换的人民币。给您护照和兑换清单。 Here are you Chinese Yuan for $ 1000. And your passport and exchange memo.
6 R5 Q( Q# {$ F  S  [  您想汇多少钱? How much would you like to remit?中华考试网(www.Examw。com)5 ^4 J8 ~( _& \5 ]/ [
  我想您是汇美元吧? I suppose you want to send U.S. Dollars.* R6 c2 u" c' b2 A  [
  可以请问汇款的原因吗? May I ask the reason for your remittance?, v$ N2 U. N" U3 z2 ^) K8 M
  您想要航空信还是电汇,先生? Do you want to remit the money by air mail or by cable, sir?
" l5 t9 u8 K* v0 B3 C2 q  V  那么你要采用信汇,只是信汇汇款到纽约银行用的时间较长。 So you can take M/T, and they will take a longer time to reach New York Bank.
0 r% b8 h( s0 n7 S3 ^) S& g0 [- O  请坐一会儿好吗?我给您开个收据。 Would you care to take a seat while I make out a receipt?/ n# K0 Z% ?$ g7 B( @3 c  O
  那我就用信汇吧。 Ill take M/T.
' s, l0 E. s4 x! W, w9 c: N2 E  汇款300英镑到伦敦,费用为3英镑。 For £300 to London, the commiossion is 3, please.9 Q3 O( ?. F; F8 c
  打扰了,你们办理汇款支票吗? Excuse me, but do you handle remittance checks here?) _+ `' K& P  o" k
  请问支票受款人是谁,夫人? To whom is the check payable, madam?
+ E% e: w% c+ a  是的,我已得到中国银行的许可。请过目。 Yes, I have got the license from the Bank of China. Here you are.

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