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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语:实用谚语100句(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  51.He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.
% j" U1 _9 O% V5 E5 [8 i5 D) K  畏问之人耻于学。6 D# y4 ?, {* i4 @. c7 a# y
  52.What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave.4 B) Z5 X" }8 p
3 b( a7 N# W# X  53.Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.
8 l- R: `+ u0 W( e$ R; C$ I  知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。( g# G. c" y6 F2 w
  54.Soon learnt,soon forgotten.
; }7 l& x. g; I" v  学得快,忘得快。% |' W/ B8 l* w2 C# e# e7 |$ E
  55.Learn young,learn fair.* o! ~% q& Z3 e8 U3 Z3 T. v
  为学趁年青,既学须学好。0 o8 {0 i4 H! o' y
  56.A lazy youth,a lousy age.
9 L* j( ?. [. `7 [  少时懒惰老来苦。" P7 s7 S  \& {& z: H
  57.He that knows nothing,doubts nothing.$ {( B- }; k; E  g
2 o, W0 l- e8 Q+ v1 d5 M* D  58.A good name keeps its luster in the dark./ ?& x$ s6 M8 z% k0 |
  良好的名声在黑暗中也能闪闪发光。" g9 @+ ?- ?6 q& K' I$ ]7 _
  59.Fame is a magnifying glass.1 _. v9 d' X5 k& j: O3 u; v& f
, F9 a% [2 H; h& ~  60.A good fame is better than a good face.: I3 {6 Q, G; k/ [& U  M2 @8 o' p$ m
  美名胜于美貌。1 ]9 n( N$ _0 I4 o; w
  61.Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off.
' f' o8 k' V4 H- u; G6 u& L  名誉如河流,发源处最狭,愈远愈宽广。
' _  i( ^6 P2 b. n3 t  62.Take honour from me and my life is done.0 ~3 \0 c) k6 h- C/ c* L/ P' G
  没有名誉,就没有了生命。0 r- x: s9 ]$ Y1 ~2 U
  63.Beware of him who regards not his reputation.
1 K& @5 r; z* L' ]  要谨防不重名誉的人。
) U( F; I  h! Q( @4 z/ Z  g  64.It is better to die with honour than to live in infamy.. S$ i, `) ?' A& f1 Q+ T: R6 W0 |
  光荣的死胜于羞辱的生。8 O; a; Z5 U' G. n3 m
  65.Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory.
) d# r5 j6 `9 e8 }6 l2 h6 k  成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。
1 E# |# Q, K2 t+ F$ Y" w0 e* l" f  66.Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault.% k8 m+ f" K: H$ a- q' d
  无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。; P, F# i5 b/ m, a3 s$ T8 h+ o
  67.Your father's honour is to you but a second-hand honour.
& g3 `9 Y' N% C3 ]3 n  对于你来说,父亲的荣誉只是间接的荣誉。
# x  Q, k, B' l* C; E  68.Never trust another what you should do yourself.
4 x; @3 g4 b( c' s6 p, C  自己该做的事,决不要委托给旁人做。- n' S0 d* N% X0 S0 R" s0 {  d7 d
  69.It is an equal failing to trust everybody,and to trust nobody.8 q3 x$ g& ~9 c$ _) O+ y/ B9 d" @
" B/ l! W6 B; h1 t' c6 h1 Z* l  70.Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him.# D! i) \4 s1 {' b& e
  在你信任一个人之前,先要深入了解他。) J( C+ B5 ^+ }5 P
  71.If you trust before you try,you may repent before you die.
3 ^$ N# Z# _. G3 z5 b  不经考验就依赖,不到瞑目便的悔。
$ {. Y8 @4 h9 v  _# k7 Z% c* w) q  72.Never trust to fine words.' i% N  s) x- B% C" Q
  切勿轻信漂亮话。/ b6 Y$ w* I% K+ p) N! G3 \% X
  73.Trust not a great weight to a slender thread.
3 w) u" J& P- `$ s5 P  细线挂重物,终究不可靠。
; e/ V' h1 T* k  74.Be just to all,but trust not all.% q6 N  o# l' B, z* g& V% l; E

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  75.Trust thyself only,and another shall not betray thee.
3 w0 ^2 V3 `, T& p2 W  g' x3 e  只要信任你自己,旁人才不出卖你。
& m; I( _6 D2 t6 |, N9 \5 c  76.Self-trust is the essence of heroism.  X2 l  n% D* m+ d
5 G4 c3 }9 w* x& z3 h  77.Confidence is a plant of slow growth.1 A( t( f: c# V1 `
" f1 P/ o) B" S" O, @  78.Truth is the daughter of time.
' A2 {% J; O, G- n5 V( H8 f  真理是时间的女儿。% W# ^6 Q1 {' z* T
  79.Truth hath a good face,but ill clothes.
  Q" Y1 O$ d6 h+ w; e  y* g- `4 X  真理面目善良;但衣衫褴褛。
% t# G8 L8 T- T- d  80.Truth and roses have thorns about them.
+ x4 @5 s5 j2 K- R: N0 e9 k  真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。0 l; J% m/ ]$ \
  81.Truth may be blamed,but shall never be shamed.% k) U) J, R+ @/ [& G0 [. F
9 V; n5 |0 K5 l" B+ v& {  82.Though malice may darken truth,it cannot put it out.
6 T, C: Q" `6 K, u9 z* N; n  恶意可以糟塌真理;但无法消灭真理。
/ r3 _4 a1 I$ U# L* [  `$ e  83.Truth will prevail.
) S& w1 ?0 Q! W- {  真理必胜。
( s& y2 a( i3 }' U7 W  s8 B7 N  84.Truth's best ornament is nakedness.$ L8 j8 S% F9 F; s; S
; L% L2 C' W% _& \% E  85.Facts are stubborn things.
1 ~& M  w. D2 R3 L0 g( f  M+ X  事实是最顽强的东西。
- ]; f. W- N# O  86.Sooner or later,the truth comes to light./ Z/ m. b& i, p" ^6 s! M
  真相迟早会大白。" o8 D4 K( E3 V: l' p  \! v6 q/ _
  87.The truths we least like to hear are those which it is most to our advantage to know.) S! I4 q0 Y  P' g
  我们最不愿意听到的事实,往往是我们知道了会大有好处的事实。) [" E; @' O8 E$ u+ f% Z- c
  88.Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it.
7 z5 i2 v) Y$ W& k  谎言似荨麻,玩弄会刺手。
) ~6 M: o* [5 _/ G, Z  89.There is many a fair thing full false.
, ~3 p, g" a. W8 X! X$ b9 I' x, K9 j  有许多说得好听的东西充满了谬误。1 B9 ^# v, G$ z* _( l4 \* @
  90.Though a lie be well drest,it is ever overcome.
$ g3 b! [  Q# o; D6 @  谎言装扮虽不错,到头总会被揭露。0 M/ ^- I) P2 S5 O
  91.A lie begets a lie till they come to generations.& ^- _1 A! N/ ^* Z# ~" H( a* _- w9 P
0 O% B) p0 H3 D/ P1 p  92.A false tongue will hardly speak truth.
, |7 D2 V, S- Z; e: L+ Z# ]% R  假舌不会吐真言。
3 j$ }" u% m9 X! S( {# Z, @  93.False with one can be false with two.
- h  L! Z7 _+ h4 E8 T. I  对一个人虚假,也会对两个人虚假。" ]2 M% U* V, L* i: z
  94.He that will lie will steal.& r) ]3 _2 ^7 a3 D
3 c+ M1 U8 N% a3 K, g4 |' _' W6 P4 F  95.Gossiping and lying go together.8 q  r* B$ x& `9 q8 w0 _
  流言常和谎话并行。% o& ~! F( w7 K" P0 {, t( {( B# M) m
  96.Equivocation is first cousin to a lie.
0 B3 q5 `! _% N0 ^0 e& j/ ~" T  含糊其词是谎话的近亲。6 e; P; u' D1 B! F0 B( B
  97.A great talker is a great liar.: J# F- u7 A! S8 z# k
  最会夸夸其谈的人也最会说谎。( A0 @; a, S% J. A# u9 M" ^+ h
  98.The greatest liars talk most of themselves.4 e4 F' `) r& `5 R0 z  Y) ]. K
) g$ Z) Z1 N, o  99.Lying rides upon debt's back.
- v3 P9 _; y% ^+ e3 O! G% V& L  负债的人谎话多。
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