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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语:实用谚语100句(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  0. The law is not the same at morning and at night.
- K: ?. A: N: G/ m7 {  早上的法令跟晚上的不一样;朝令夕改。
  n4 a6 q# J6 \1 L% B  1. New lords,new laws.
. }; P6 a2 A; W. P% n  新君立新法。! p" l6 V( C5 _) x, R8 F
  2. Laws catch flies and let hornets go free.
) a; [! X1 v4 `3 w( H, q  法网只捕蝇,黄蜂由它去。
* h' ]) C9 {3 C4 I  3. Where drums beat,laws are silent.
0 p' w; h5 R! m% A$ {; ]  战鼓一响,法律无声。
( q  N0 ~. q3 n+ _  4. An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men.& k7 s8 P( ]3 r8 B, q# }
9 ~+ H1 V$ T# @: ^% L) ]% X  5. That trial is not fair where affection is the judge.5 L+ C* j) S; ]4 g* d
. z, [! U$ \% G" G1 U  6. A good lawyer,an evil neighbour.
& ]7 B# f* l. p& b' P  好律师不是好邻居。' V# V% b, H& ]9 M5 o
  7. An old physician,and a young lawyer.& ^, O+ z# L% }! i7 u$ q8 a
- ?* V' W, g' g  o: R; ]$ T0 |  8. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
4 {% E3 I9 @1 z5 E" ]* {, b  鸡蛋还未孵,先别数鸡雏;莫过早乐观。
" t9 i9 c  ^( A' t  9. Though the fox run,the chicken hath wings.# `" v2 s! `; i/ ?$ O* y% {
  狐狸虽会跑,小鸡有翅膀。, {) p: j- |6 l! B6 k: v  W7 y: |$ h; u
  10.Young cocks love no coops.
0 C. G( U0 t( u6 F- K  小公鸡不恋笼。! U  @) J/ f' [  F; j$ H& j- `
  11.A cock is bold on his dunghill.
" j$ f, z% t% K, S$ A  站在粪堆上,公鸡也称王。2 q' h5 I/ D1 {& ?
  12.A barley-corn is better than a diamond to a cock.
# l+ a& |3 D- z+ w  对一只公鸡来说,一颗麦粒优于一颗钻石。
9 `- N# o8 P* ?9 h# n  13.He that will have his farm full,must keep an old cock and a young bull./ b, {  _1 f2 m% d9 M( I
9 p1 c2 _' I, e% S6 t# H9 N  14.If the hen does not prate,she will not lay.% P9 W, L( s9 m. Y1 v# X5 d
  不叨叨的母鸡不下蛋。/ B+ k* j; P7 c0 u1 k
  15.It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another's.
; Q; }8 Y, x1 H  这样的母鸡可不好:在你家里咯咯叫,却到别家去下蛋。2 a) k, \3 A- P& M6 r4 y8 c
  16.Fat hens lay few eggs.
( |( \, r4 o" u4 q- }* u$ u  肥鸡下蛋稀。
( ?8 Q5 I3 |0 {; m" \0 `; i8 J9 U  17.Grain by grain,and the hen fills her belly.1 }; y7 i$ Q8 q0 `/ _
  一颗接一颗,母鸡填饱肚。5 ~6 E3 y# w; Y0 Z0 q+ a
  18.A duck will not always dabble in the same gutter.9 j( F6 v! O- `4 D8 a
4 o8 ?7 F6 T1 S2 m! T" H  19.It is a blind silly gooes that comes to the fox's sermon.
# \+ m, l! k7 `0 _+ f& o  只有盲目的笨鹅才会去听狐狸讲道。  v8 n. n- N; D' ^) j
  20.What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.7 p$ x" x- l6 P1 u0 G, x1 \8 M
+ Y' r2 {& }5 N6 |2 G7 _  21.All his geese are swans.
; ?: E1 |" {: a9 ?& X! V8 \  他喜欢夸大其词;敝帚自珍。
8 P& ~, t1 w* x6 P) s  22.All your swans are geese.
+ y% g/ W; @- y! `  你的美好希望(或诺言),全部成了泡影。" K6 A* j! f% F/ P9 U& @
  23.Each bird likes to hear himself sing.
- X# I! j6 w7 v% F  每一只鸟都爱听自己歌唱。
8 ~% Y. f& p0 p9 n9 R  24.The bird loves her nest.
% g# R. O" |1 F+ A: j& d; K- l) a  鸟爱自己的窝。. v! H( E0 x5 ~+ U/ L) J
  25.Birds of a feather flock together.2 K( J: g3 ^8 j! H

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  26.The bird that can sing and won't sing must be made to sing.$ y7 N0 x1 O. [9 z
! R3 r5 _7 f2 I/ B  27.The fowler's pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught.8 Q  [3 \3 v4 W
  捕禽人笛声悠扬,直吹得鸟儿落网。9 B7 O6 I1 L4 j$ k8 v
  28.He that will take the bird must not scare it.: V, H/ e' n5 f$ S% N: n
  捕鸟休惊鸟。% c( S% q2 U4 {/ G5 T$ F
  29.The noisy fowler catches no bird.( o9 R7 z: _5 t8 S- {2 o5 e
; C8 u! |; I" J1 ]# H* R  30.Old birds are not caught with new nests.: @) S1 y3 w5 V' Z
  新网难捕老鸟。$ @5 A3 c& C! T0 o$ m- z, V8 C4 L
  31.'Tis the early bird that catches the worm.: i7 R7 I& T7 `" G
  早起的鸟先得虫;捷足先登。/ q2 }- R  g3 Y, s
  32.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.  o0 b9 u4 F# F# h  p& I- b; E
  双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手;十赊不如一现。$ o  z9 g: b  a/ A' v
  33.A bird is known by its note,and a man by his talk.
+ _* O2 B3 [$ u1 p+ J) k( x  鸟以声闻,人以言知。
4 q; m* l( C$ S# n: c2 r; n) m  34.It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.( R; ]! z5 w2 Q% L
  家丑不可外扬。! V; j# Y& G7 `
  35.Eagles fly alone,but sheep flock together., G! m' c/ b1 s
  鹰爱独飞羊爱群。# n$ q! s6 x5 L# J
  36.A kite will never be a good hawk.
9 S/ r+ Z4 ?) m' @( f/ i- |- m  鸢永不会变成隼。4 c! l( |9 y6 g
  37.Empty hands no hawk allure.! Z/ ?% o& _6 i0 O! M
  空手不能诱鹰来。& S3 F9 ]; ^: P8 o
  38.The crow thinks his own bird fairest.& p) c8 z- f5 _$ W0 s! U* n
  乌鸦总以为自己的雏鸟最美。  @9 L4 M' P1 y- T
  39.A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.; n  e$ K+ V+ ?- R7 E0 P, T
. p( I$ |, i( W% l  p9 {  40.Wheresoever the carcase is,there will the ravens be gathered together.7 Q+ Q% f7 m6 \$ G# X1 t3 u' z
! }. ^7 H+ r  j5 p# F$ w6 D( }  41.One swallow does not make a summer.* z* a: l" ^3 {: Q9 L
) _4 g6 o- g- v8 C  [0 e4 Q  42.The snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner.0 G1 c( s$ l9 M9 W7 k. \% J
  燕子一飞就上塔,蜗牛悄悄爬,最后也上塔。! j7 b2 t1 @9 D# k2 x
  43.The cuckoo comes in April,and stays the month of May;sings a song at Midsummer,and then goes away.. N2 @! I( u3 @! a
" U) o2 \+ e8 T5 s! G' h  44.If the sky falls,we shall catch larks.. n9 }9 \0 J9 G, V8 \
  天垮正好抓云雀;不要杞人忧天。5 D4 Y9 d: |# o8 t6 u
  45.An owl is the king of the night.
# ]: _  K1 T6 F# G9 q% u6 d  猫头鹰是黑夜之王。
/ t- Y- l; u8 ?1 v7 r, y6 v5 i  46.When the owl sings,the nightingale will hold her peace.
! ?4 ?! i! A# l$ u7 E# F  枭鸟唱歌,夜莺屏息。
' y4 f/ ^5 U  n/ j  47.Cats hide their paws.
% L1 {0 O# g- A$ L" Z+ Y! V9 s& ~  猫儿不露爪。
' M  Q$ H: v5 @0 s5 B: g  48.A gloved cat catches no mice.
/ e  e) S* B* u/ `0 Z5 k' G  戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠。; k/ }% L# c* g; k( C! a4 p3 R
  49.When the cat's away,the mice will play.# c( d* {+ U& `5 M! c
  猫儿不在家,老鼠就玩耍;猫儿不在耗子闹。. G( A4 ^# j) B5 w& J( E4 M' y
  50.Ale will make cat speak.% g0 h3 y5 q" q0 x7 l; f$ R
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