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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语:实用谚语100句(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  51.A blate cat makes a proud mouse.
( L. v! O4 _. ]" c, d# |7 {, S3 \/ N  猫儿腼腆,老鼠翻天。; L9 W& s/ P+ C4 h, U
  52.When the weasel and the cat make a marriage,it is a very ill presage.1 X6 `% ?7 c3 A& f
& |2 P* R  N. L% @  53.The cat and dog may kiss,yet are none the better friends.3 Z3 R' I1 S: B# \  D& n: z" D
  猫狗虽相吻,总难成好友。% L! I$ P+ C1 J. `7 E6 x
  54.All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws.
) I* |# [' _" D7 m# z- {3 L  猫儿性爱鱼,却怕爪弄湿;想获得珍品的人不愿冒必要的风险。
2 s3 V! ], c" G) D- h$ F1 w; v5 k  55.A cat may look at a king.: N+ r3 C% `( h# y1 ]* M
  猫也有权看国王;小人物也该有些权利。4 ]$ q& a& ^' m7 A4 [
  56.It is said that "cat hath nine lives",yet care would wear them all out.2 x, E, h, u( I1 U* z4 B# Z
  据说猫儿有九命,忧虑多时也伤身。% _* g. W$ h* n1 W! `3 M# C
  57.An old dog bites sore.$ V7 F& ?. B) G) b+ m; `3 ^
* r# i5 b3 S/ o3 X# o8 ~7 K  58.Beware of a silent dog and still water., T! |7 I% ^! \  [* e5 N
1 o& R2 e. B4 N( w  59.Barking dogs seldom bite.
, F' |1 X5 g2 S4 c" Q2 C2 o4 Y( o  爱吠的狗不咬人。
/ ]3 z& m5 V/ K: {% S' z  60.A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.
  s5 T% h; c$ r  肉骨头打狗狗不叫。
  \8 k# `0 G: E  61.Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand.
" a/ X1 Y9 |3 L! {2 S. L5 d  远处狗就叫,近身不会咬。
+ O2 x* n# U2 Z6 G  62.If the old dog barks,he gives counsel.
6 y/ U, w/ ~8 Q  老狗叫,是忠告。
1 k2 q0 x, ^7 v2 h- j" ?  63.In every country dogs bite.
& s& z, w  ]; X" S$ e3 k2 U0 z5 V% f  天下有狗都咬人。1 b6 a$ S9 |$ A
  64.Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.0 ]1 F0 Q$ R5 c/ @$ q: X
7 v( k+ u+ ]* c% q" v* _  65.Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread.3 I$ Z- p. A0 A$ y9 w' f( k
# Q  }- t8 E$ N0 \! {  66.All are not thieves that dogs bark at.7 ]* M/ v1 }1 {4 f. w7 o$ q
  狗吠的人并非都是小偷。- D& T7 x7 M$ F) d
  67.Every dog is valiant at his own door.
3 F5 h0 }0 W. g: M9 g  f  站在家门口,狗也雄纠纠。
' z2 ?/ n0 W2 B! j% X  68.Every dog is a lion at home.
* {1 F% ]5 U; j0 w! S! P  {) G; [  狗在家中,八面威风。- c, b& y2 M! b! O& j
  69.While the dog gnaws bone,companions would be none.
6 s1 ^2 c9 R9 R! ~1 z$ n  狗啃骨头无同伴。
% D. @* }' V, Y, v1 P  70.Two dogs strive for a bone,the third runs away with it.
4 x9 z9 U+ K6 |9 h) l/ Z  两狗相争一骨头,第三只狗衔起走。
9 s7 ~- X( V9 w3 d& w/ N4 C  71.Mad dog bites his master., ?: O3 U  W3 y# h4 X) j7 J- c& b
  疯狗咬主人。$ N8 `7 X. T4 B4 G* p* J2 W: ~  E
  72.Too much pudding will choke dog.
$ {* m& K0 G$ f( ^  布丁太多噎死狗。
; e. @2 @' n8 j2 a3 A  73.Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail.  s) s: S$ \8 c' z. @- O: a0 \
  莫因狗尾摇,次次丢面包。+ i8 G% E, f7 _3 i3 a
  74.A living dog is better than a dead lion.% J' s$ _9 I. o+ p+ x& G
+ E- r# l% g- D0 {* W8 Y6 d" h  75.Love me,love my dog.
, _0 A( F7 ]5 U% |  爱屋及乌。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  76.Let sleeping dog lie.; A! G9 n1 `2 }2 ]4 Z& @7 u3 C, x
$ s- s: ^$ L9 a. R- q  x, V  77.Help the dog over the stile.
( C+ l- g$ ]5 w0 N  助人度过难关。
# _9 I% S$ G! u  e7 G0 a7 u  78.Every dog has his day.
7 e3 y$ ^$ e1 a) e" J5 b5 h! h  片瓦也有翻身日;人人都有得意时。' x) @$ W6 ^# q, f
  79.Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
) e5 d; i1 A" B' J  欲加之罪,何患无辞。
- k$ b; D/ ]# I; s" e4 m  80.He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick.: j; t8 g: w6 f5 f3 h: Z% X
1 _: e& E' T" L' K9 N# E  81.An old dog cannot alter its way of barking.. s4 z; s7 y. O1 o
. Q( g" c& o4 n! I: Q2 O  82.When a dog is drowning,every one offers him drink.% [* G( x4 Z+ u
9 `, J7 B/ F1 D/ E( W  83.A swine over fat is the cause of his own bane.
) y8 [  u3 q" x, X  猪死都因身过肥;象以齿焚。
3 v" d6 y, d3 R4 y' E/ V  84.Pigs may fly,but they are very unlikely birds.
& a" B& ^( `" V0 N6 o: _  猪儿纵会飞,终究不是鸟。' q$ z" J. I( ^- ], k4 Z- v
  85.Never cast your pearls before swine.
, L! d( s  s6 q" c+ v. b  不要把珍贵之物送给不识货的人;勿明珠暗投;勿对牛弹琴。) M* Q: W; p8 n' m7 ~
  86.You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
7 t3 \! Z, V* a2 W, l  猪耳朵做不成丝钱包;巧妇难为无米之炊。2 x( C  w7 V# E
  87.The cow that's first up gets the first of the dew.) D+ K$ k' P" A6 s& S& a" z( Q; W7 _
& B" \# a: m& S# q! h+ V+ W* y  88.Not all butter that the cow yields.* b# |* j7 J1 N0 `( K9 ^1 P7 O
, x+ ?( B7 E4 ^- I7 L4 Q) {  89.Many good cows have evil calves.
: U  O( R  }$ \: ~9 j8 N% Q6 G  很多好母牛,会生坏小犊。, l0 Q! _7 r% g4 g
  90.You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk.
8 Z( l$ d3 u: X; f  不能既要卖母牛,又想喝牛奶。) [  z0 D5 W4 q
  91.Old oxen have stiff horns.6 L; p6 B# p2 r" P  n8 l
  牛老角硬。& g! x' S! L: ~$ m1 O
  92.The ox is never woe,till he to the harrow go.
3 U0 Y* C$ h+ k  挂耙去耕地,牛才知辛苦。" h$ X' N3 i: h- V
  93.An ox is taken by the horns,and the man by the tongue.
7 S( ?" N% V1 G9 W  牛因角被执,人因舌陷身。
( }- N7 _1 \$ g8 p; N8 a( K# M) _& z- f  94.If the ox falls,whet your knife.( n  p7 x8 u' |# C5 T2 X4 t$ J# k/ C# M
9 {, h: O8 `9 \( w1 W$ l  95.The black ox has trod on his foot.
  ]" J, g& _, s  祸事临头。7 H0 h* A" e2 z' X% h/ C) w/ ^
  96.The ox when weariest treads surest.
6 J8 ~2 B! Z+ n1 |& g  Q$ I. p! N  牛困走得稳。; J! \4 }3 v  l& Y
  97.The best horse needs breaking,and the aptest child needs teaching." J6 {4 v# L1 f$ w2 X8 _
' @& G7 g: _6 y  98.A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats.! H0 M7 q; {8 O. {0 S! @
: f% W  K' Y% t  99.A good horse oft needs a good spur.' r, P: u6 S# u- r6 q
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