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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语素材:制定日程

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson Four 制定日程* n) o. l, G2 S6 J, p5 ]1 p
  Making appointment. z, m( G9 f/ B8 A, M2 }
  I’m calling to make an appointment with you for next Monday.* D2 M8 Z" \0 T) k3 \: ?+ M! Q
  I wonder if it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow.
- P9 t& ^1 I. D* ]+ h$ }8 `  Would it be convenient if I call on you tonight?6 C; d6 F% h' O' N
  Could you arrange an appointment with Mr. Green for me?, U3 M( Q0 c  V: Q
  I’d like to drop by tomorrow to talk over our plan./ G1 {5 I1 X' k2 y4 O9 O# ^6 u
  I look forward to seeing you at your office on July 18.) Q9 w" q8 u6 M# I- Q/ x
  Can you squeeze in some time for me next week?
" I# a4 R4 R' D& X2 S) K  d, R  Suggesting a time( @3 ?: _( z1 e9 L
  Can you make it at 3:00 on Monday?
% W0 p8 S3 N! F2 d5 t2 j  Will 9:00 be alright/okay with you?
' l4 o9 J- s" P3 u1 y4 [* m5 b  How about/what do you think of 3:30?
( v1 O# g# ~; A- C9 |& [) z3 Y  Let’s say about 9is tomorrow?
% [' d8 _% T) k4 |/ t5 Z  Anytime before 6 p.m..
: @# t- m$ C' \  Anytime except Monday will be fine/okay/all right with me.6 [6 U' Q/ @% ?2 d' ]: X. d
  I’m available from 9:00 to 3:00.
( N: O. L, E) _- L  Making enquires about flights
, d6 Z, N: N+ `  I have an enquiry about the flights to London on Saturday.
# Y/ G$ V& E4 B' z8 ?  Have you got any morning flights on Sunday from Beijing to New York?
3 ?0 z# ^6 y# g; A3 y1 b( H  Is it a non-stop flight?
/ j& Z/ ]  N: R4 V7 ]1 z2 S6 K$ Q  How long will the flight take?
; I5 T7 c$ x; I4 n8 m3 ^  What’s the fare for a one-way/round trip to Shanghai?" W. w2 `$ T& q$ Z* m
  When does the flight depart/leave?% ]- u( R0 S( q& ^; Q# g) K5 ^
  When is the departure/arrival time?
& S- M5 u2 i+ C3 o  Is there a discount for a night flight?
8 n; U5 {% U, [  Can you put me on the waiting list?' U" B' ?5 _' R1 |
  What time am I supposed to check in?1 L+ z. y5 S0 k6 U4 c
  Booking tickets
5 o* |8 }2 o7 k( D  I’d like to book a business class ticket on United Airline Flight 518 to Boston.
: |: a$ ~0 H- v( Y5 t1 d  S. U  Can I make a reservation for a morning flight on May 3rd, please?
" u% s( }! B: V- `7 y( F& o  I’d like to stop over in Chicago if it all right./ A- u/ b: R" C( x0 i/ f
  I’d prefer first/business/executive/economy class.( e5 L2 ?, }( h. y  n3 e2 o
  Could you book me an aisle/a window seat?
; _* d4 f& w3 g& `) U" `* G  a  Could you make arrangement for vegetarian meals?
% U5 b* H" `; E8 ^8 ]2 D3 |  Confirming and canceling reservations& O. J* O; B! x7 B
  I’d like to reconfirm my connecting flight reservation.
! o9 _' @0 m" ?/ e$ I  I wonder if I could cancel my reservation with United Airlines to New York on November 16.
2 g$ L0 ~& y% p3 L% d) l  Sample Dialogue1 v4 w) |) `: k/ H
  A: Good morning. Can I please have your ticket and passport? How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in?
$ ?) l; b) K6 ]9 a% k1 I! o  B: Just this one piece. Can I carry on this bag?! A8 x* I2 |2 r' G
  A: Sure. I’m sorry. Your luggage is 8 kilos overweight.
0 b+ e& W/ r# J- l" n$ F/ X  B: How much should I pay for the excess weight?
: a; ~' L- U7 g. \  A: The charge for excess weight is 6 dollars per kilo.
. A& L7 g+ q) [- @. a0 ]. I5 A  B: Guess I don’t have a choice.
6 n, H: z! P# k; c! K; j  A: Here’s your boarding pass, ticket and passport. Have a good trip, sir.

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