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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语素材:商业用餐

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson Six商业用餐
# T$ {  L8 }4 c  Ways of cooking% J9 `5 D4 w$ d* s. s. t4 i" n( B
' H; ^3 G8 R6 v# H& W7 Y  Boiled
3 i+ P1 U: a' V) S3 s  Steamed: U9 E# x2 z% N) N( [
  Stewed  `2 E1 @8 U& h% I' o8 t
  Braised9 D) Z$ Y$ f  z5 _) w7 I
  Deep fried/pan fried/stir fried
1 e1 U( Y8 s# u3 t( t, Z0 u: {4 `  Grilled
; Q4 a; I  f) C( B# x, a  Barbecue
3 A2 z% R+ B* ~  Ways of cutting5 Z  z: u6 m$ Y6 H
  Whole$ H- {$ b- k$ o( d$ }% O1 i. T
; n" K! b2 Z& K4 V  Chunk
: E# ~% c" Y1 b% B$ k' p  Diced
, q6 q7 ^  W- F  Sliced: q% C6 C0 u5 w& R
* d3 m+ H9 V& c* B9 L0 E  Mined' g4 L8 v0 z$ W- R& K( G; q* \
6 s6 d: P' Q) @; \  Commenting on food" M' f0 E9 S" y& I9 n
  It smells good/looks great/tastes delicious.- b+ g9 Q5 b/ @0 z2 V
  The sweet potato pie is the best that I’ve ever had.
/ |5 W6 Q3 E( V3 ]% A  Sichuan food is too hot for me. My mouth is burning.+ |. c8 ?- C$ u! E# e
  This dish tastes kind of salty/sour/greasy/stale.
/ v+ v3 ]2 }& {# B5 J6 m0 G' W  The soup is too heavily seasoned/plain.
8 n7 R0 H, L* a0 {& m9 R5 [) v  Proposing a toast
, u" b6 x9 ?6 I) ^1 h  May I propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation?1 C: q: j' G; Z( r/ c0 _
  I’d like to propose a toast to our distinguished American guests." A' ]4 U8 d0 ?* j
  Let’s drink to your promotion.
. ]  n# E9 `. q7 M; \  Here’s to your health/pleasant trip to Beijing/a successful new year.8 S0 ~/ a4 E& N" t- _9 G1 e1 V
  Cheers!; F* a* [4 T8 |. o  f( t
  Asking for check. a# `5 v, |. n5 z2 U
  May I have the check please?  z( Q2 o) b5 v+ \) R
  I’m afraid you made a mistake here.; R5 A. A( ?; E
  Could please make sure the check gets to me?1 j4 d+ a* b; h( K
  Check, please." o: z  \* I  C' _3 |* H
  Paying for the check! r3 X$ o- g9 }- j) |0 B+ v
  It’s on me.9 }0 L' k/ R8 l7 R$ T! z
  It’s my treat.
: @9 X( M5 `% T1 n( \  Let me do the honor.& V2 M, W6 \1 s3 }- B
  I’ll get it this time.
6 ^5 J7 y. X7 N, F5 R8 m  I insist.$ ?$ v, q( G! r- p7 k
  Let’s split it.
; N: ]6 f8 [. R  Let’s go 50/50.

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