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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语素材:自我介绍

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson One自我介绍& L: M1 C( F: L& N8 k8 H( l
  Welcoming( S2 Q; `) H9 X' `
  On behalf of …, I’m very glad to welcome you…
7 \( ^7 [. N( @( `) V  It’s a pleasure to see you here.
. y: d3 t; \5 p) `  l( U  Welcome to…
5 t' @' k' ^2 i4 y1 `! B  Thank you for coming all this way.7 l% H( x& q/ g& ~8 ^: q
  Self Introduction
3 U* P* R$ i+ n5 d( W( m  Please let me introduce myself. I’m…) h/ z5 z9 M% b2 g" l! o# ^
  How do you do? My name is…
) d& F% D5 r; L/ c/ E. n6 w( H  May I introduce myself? I’m…
  {% B# `1 M" u! O2 w3 z3 ^  It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is…
6 H2 ^( F, O/ u7 O0 J! E- S' E  Third-party Introduction
  k2 ?/ W0 V; [1 E- \  It’s my pleasure to introduce you to …: t3 Q! w# f  R( X
  I’d like to introduce you to …' ]' m0 \4 H/ A3 o9 v
  A, let me introduce you to …
- s; _8 L* |; f. }1 Q* u  A, I’d like you to meet …- n! _. H+ s+ O  b$ ], @2 E% ?
  A, I don’t believe you’ve ever met …
: n5 L* A+ M" U+ e0 }: ~2 t  This is … He’s in charge of…1 t" `  @' B# v- N
  He looks after…
; A3 Y# `. X" N% H8 |  He’s our … Director/Manager.
9 u8 G  b/ F1 }+ X9 T  Offering
& O/ B. ]) z: i3 A) s  Let me get you a coffee.8 U4 o, t) s) S7 u+ K7 q& Y/ T* z
  Would you like a coffee?
& I- F- P! X: K  Q. r0 D! \- ]  Let me take your coat.
; ~; |% V3 F3 l- V1 q  Small talk topics0 D( ?1 s5 S/ O1 {
! I' o, N. M' t  How’s your flight?
( X. \7 ?& _( m+ k/ Q5 F* d  How do you like our city?
+ c$ G7 l1 g2 W- b1 p8 V* j  Is this your first visit to…?
1 W& e% O' W5 C; [% V# X& ~  Did you have a good trip?  Q5 n* J  d  {% Q
  Was it easy to find here?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Weather" u; x& h/ t0 v! t" k
  It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
. o" x0 N2 a1 I3 |  I heard it’s going to rain this afternoon.
; g5 ]8 S6 N9 p! q2 |6 P$ P: N  My flight was cancelled because of the heavy snow.
  ]2 X8 g$ [! y- p) A$ B8 f  There will be a storm tomorrow./ \8 q' b, x8 o( a+ G
  Finally we’ve gotten a beautiful day.. c, O" l% S- J) D& y7 X2 f
  I hate the summers here. There’s too much rain and it’s usually very hot.
' @/ f$ u! R* ~( g8 c/ h5 m& Q5 X  I’m a spring/summer/autumn/winter person.
  t/ U5 G, N8 m. Y, U2 E5 Y7 S  Cold, isn’t it? I’m freezing.
6 q' b! Y" Z( K( }7 n: c  It’s lovely/sunny/warm.
! S! ?1 z5 E  N0 a6 l* \  It was dismal/cloudy/cold/damp/wet/stormy/windy.2 m  j" a. o1 Q8 Y/ w% O
  Accommodation! B3 S7 A* e4 p1 \+ r
  How’s your hotel?& O2 ^+ f. T5 e. ?
  It’s very comfortable/convenient/luxurious.
" j) u% d& {3 S" g2 B& [  The service is excellent./ Q" f4 e7 w' i0 I1 }
  It’s rather noisy/dirty.
  S) j6 G! v2 ?( y  k6 l  The service is rather slow.
8 D* f0 [# _8 k$ }. s2 D  The rooms are a bit cramped.
  s; x) I4 j( d, K" B) q  Sample Dialogue
' L7 W0 [9 y8 O* a3 V. ]6 M  A: Welcome to ABC. I’m John Smith. I look after the accounting department here.; F+ \$ z: F! ~
  B: Nice to meet you. My name is Susan Wong.9 V% T  `+ j3 v! d5 Z9 l$ G8 |0 U3 E
  A: Nice to meet you, Susan. How was your trip?8 n: r, B/ m# ^* J: q$ {
  B: Slow. It was caught in awful traffic.
7 z1 i; g" O* x& i! W! t1 H  A: Sorry to hear that. Anyway, have you checked in?: P! O1 m* i" \, X' y
  B: Yes.: v# w$ ^" P/ m, [' u
  A: Everything OK?7 g7 n- m2 X+ z8 ~0 ^7 N
  B: Fine." V: u0 }7 M8 y8 _6 G! i2 \  `+ ?! c% e
  A: So how do you find our weather?
& U4 Y* F! g" I  B: It’s hot. When I left home, it was only ten degrees.
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