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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语:词汇实例详解(11)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.I don't find him at all attractive.
$ ^+ C8 N( ~% [5 o" t& K  我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢。( H/ ]$ s& w4 ?7 H; n
  重点词语:attractive adj.有吸引力的,引人注目的
3 {: v* Z8 @& `1 ^( V  商务用语:goods for sale at attractive prices 价格低廉的货物
" s) v5 ?+ J" U* v  2.Independent accountants audit the company annually.( V) w( M8 v- {( q/ }
( ?) u' z/ N+ P4 p9 l  重点词语:audit v. & n.审计;查账8 i5 N: J2 `+ l2 F
  商务用语:financial audit 财务审计: T/ J3 z0 h! F. ^1 L% _# i
       audit of treasury 公库审计
$ {! G) W2 ^3 P, W  b& d6 A  f       cash audit 现金审核
! F% H; P$ I: r       balance sheet audit 资产结算表审计- J6 B/ X: o% F1 v- j7 \$ `
  3.The auditor is responsible for checking the reason for any changes in the accounts.$ P" G$ R+ U8 W% Z, k. j: ]6 l$ t  J+ z
' l& W+ i0 J/ ]/ Z- p  重点词语:auditor n.查账人;审计师;审计员$ Z! ^5 v  Z) i6 F: r- _
  商务用语:certified internal auditor 注册内部审计员( o: S6 x. c& k8 E, Q! v
       professional auditor 专业会计师
) p& u+ f; S0 R2 z3 ~  4.This part of the assembly process is now fully automated.4 r$ B, x! K6 D0 X3 w7 S
. F8 L$ L7 B& j! \& F: \2 Q2 z7 |  重点词语:automate vt.使(……)自动化
: N1 w/ b, r0 v7 I5 Q7 ~- B) r% e: @  商务用语:automated teaching 自动化教学
3 I; U" P2 I8 @0 W# z- j- u  5. Chinese commodities available for export are varied.
+ |: u. w: \0 {2 `; B  中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。2 r$ T$ F& R$ }6 ]0 ^- L
  重点词语:available adj.有效的
$ e+ P2 ?4 `/ s" D  M# O  商务用语:net available 贴现净额9 x/ Y9 X3 O9 n' e4 F
       available energy 有效能(量)

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