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[BEC初级] BEC初级口语:词汇实例详解(25)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.Can you describe the new product to me?
; f: ^4 v; O' N2 @( v3 K5 P  你能为我描述一下新产品吗?
7 A5 a* [* f  ~2 u  重点词语:describe vt.描述
  ~5 i1 z3 i4 @0 f0 R: B& v  商务用语:describe the accident 描述事故+ a6 r7 ]( P- C9 `( Q! k
  2.The destination for the cargo is New York.  J0 X, K, S- ~" D- g
5 Z9 }+ q5 i: }: \) S  重点词语:destination n.目的地* v  ~& j9 F% g
  商务用语:the port of destination 目的港7 `+ A) n# L+ S
  final destination 终点0 G8 B4 b" f- u. H; A
  immediate destination 直接目的3 Y, p& g- t- M% H5 N6 }( N8 P
  3.We should give our clients all the details of the goods.
# s0 f0 R0 @: }+ G4 W% ~  我们应该告诉客户们货物的全部详情。
0 G) D# k  H' L  重点词语:detail n.细节,详图3 w0 A6 A2 ~" p5 \$ I
  商务用语:an engine detail 发动机详图- p! s! b) y  c8 {
  4.They are waiting for new developments.$ a% ?9 T9 S# K+ R! ]% ~; K
# o6 |) r9 f8 A* C9 P  重点词语:development n.发展
3 q8 g, D% f' P. \) W" k8 ]  商务用语:the rapid development of industry 迅速发展的工业4 d3 x# L- Q- g5 p" U% ^& q* s
  the latest developments in foreign trade 对外贸易方面的新进展, [* P2 f* q- m' h* p4 U
  5.Typically, direct investment involves the purchase of assets such as land, plant.
" _! s; w2 ^2 U" \+ b  通常,直接投资包括购置土地,工厂等资产。
, D, _( u3 D6 {: K* r0 u5 P6 O  重点词语:direct adj.直接的. T" o1 |: E3 x5 ?# C3 I  o
  商务用语:direct selling 直销
& ]0 v' [* c* K/ T% B0 R. M  demand direct provider 直接供应商

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