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[BEC初级] 2010年BEC段落写作训练1

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
段落的特点! r' O7 l% w; `$ `. G- u4 ?; t; a% D
/ c/ U# r% ~+ M) P4 V! \  主题句是篇章的核心,它表明作者的态度、观点、意图等,同时反映了段落的中心思想。主题句应具备:一是明确的观点,二是有一定的概括性,能用其它句子来解释、描述、分析等。扩展句主要围绕着主题句进行叙述,说明或论述等。扩展句必须明确、具体。总结句指用一句话将某一主旨进行归纳总结或概括,有时还起承上启下的作用。总结句需要与主题呼应,引发读者对段落主题的进一步认识。总之,篇章的主题必须统一,内容完整、结构连贯,长度适度。- S/ r) j- t6 b
  段落的发展2 i( g3 j" ?8 e7 Q+ T8 U
/ M8 ^' U  }+ H% L) |( c  1.排列顺序:既按照内容的主次、时间的先后或位置的先后来进行论证,陈述或解释。2 F' i& X+ O/ R# |( U
  常用的词语有:first/firstly, second/secondly,furthermore,finally,above all, first and most" O+ L* B+ u' [5 n2 l6 c. B4 i
  important, to begin/start with, in the second place, moreover, to conclude, next,then, afterward lastly, in the end, eventually.$ f; y; K1 K' h2 R; P
  2.比较和对比:一般来说,比较包括相同点和相异点。对比则仅指相异点。常见的词及词组有:in comparison(with),likewise,similarly,in the same way,equally,but, in contrast With/to,instead,conversely,on the contrary, in/by contrast,while,Correspondingly.5 F2 v; e5 R5 y
  3.因果和推理:这种段落发展方式通常用于解释某件事发生的原因和结果。经常用到的因果关系的动词和动词词组有:cause,produce, lead to, bring about, result from, be due to,have an effect on, result in.
% N4 j( D$ |; ?4 d4 ?% F  因果关系的连接词有:due to,the fact that, for the simple reason,because (of),so that, consequently,hence,as a result,accordingly,therefore,so long as,so,thus,owing to,now that, for/as,since.
4 s4 U1 |1 W! Q  r0 i  4.举例:用实例来说明作者的观点是举例段落的发展方式。采用举例的方式,使文章内容更加充实,更富有内涵。常用于举例的词和词组有:such as,for example,for instance,as an illustration,to illustrate,a case in point,as follows,just as,just as,including,like./ U: p/ Q- r5 D/ t# O" s
  短文0 R. a( v' d8 S7 {5 O! e
  短文的基本格式为:开始段,主体段和结论段。开始段是短文的中心,即主题。文章的开头段必须把握两个原则:表明文章的主题使文章的发展有所遵循;引发读者的兴趣、使他确信值得读下去。主体段,即文章的发展,是文章的中心的发展,它以文章的开头为线索,准确,具体而充实地论证、说明或分析文章的主题。主体段须遵循1)文章的发展必须通畅、自然。2)文章的发展必须联贯统一。3)文章的发展必须长短适度。结论段:同文章的开头和发展一样,文章的结尾也是写作成败的关键。它起着总结,概括全篇的作用,使主题更加鲜明,结构更加完美。# \! e( E9 n, t
  Section I 补充主题句
) N3 v0 T3 x" R, Y- c9 G  1)__________________, generally, the standard of education is higher. This is because colleges and universities have up-to-date equipment and other resources. Also, teachers and lectures are highly-skilled professionals who are aware of all the latest developments in their fields of interest. A final point is that the overseas qualifications which a student obtains are valid usually anywhere in the world.
3 D' X7 ]2 m/ G( O  2)__________________. These include defense capabilities and social security. Private enterprise and the profit motive should not form part of these essential services. On the other hand, some services could be provided by either governments or private groups or both. Education and health care are examples of such services. A government must provide at least a basic level of education and health care so all citizens call have access to them.
8 d/ d$ E) W: Z; J) z2 t  3)__________________. Every day there are opportunities to practice listening to and speaking with Australians. Also, students can experience the culture first-hand, which is a great help when trying to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with Australians, as part of a home-stay family, for example. Furthermore, if students attend a language school full-time, the teachers will be native speakers.
6 F% j# C% T  H3 l1 U8 J# }/ H! e# u  4)__________________. Jose did not complete his mathematics yesterday. He spent the first fifteen minutes of the hour working on the first of the ten examination problems. He spent other minutes doodling on his test paper.# H/ x" r, m: H5 p! @) J6 r
  5)__________________. One example is the word “graft.” The verb to graft first meant merely to work. English people once used the word in such expressions as “ Where are you grafting?”, meaning “ Where are you working?”。 From this perfectly respectable meaning, the word has gradually changed. Today graft refers to illegal gains won by dishonest politicians.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


  Section II 重组下面的段落" b( O" c6 {! J
  6. Certainly TV can be a powerful educational tool. People can learn about situations and problems far away, and begin to understand different cultures. Many informative documentaries about nature, news, and social issues are made now, and these can stimulate people to action. People in isolated areas can know for themselves what is happening in the world. This gives them the power to make their own decisions and form their own opinions.
' A& ^' h, c/ V  7. In my opinion, television is the most important technological development. Nowadays almost everyone in the world has access to TV. Television has caused significant changes in family life and education. Some of these changes have been positive while others have been negative.
, i) @. l  Y. @+ d$ q  8. However, the changes have not all been positive. Before television was widely available, families spent more time together talking and playing games. They seemed much closer to each other than modem families.
" r6 c; M- O# z  9. To sum up, I feel that, overall, there are strong positive effects of TV in terms of its education role, but it has in may ways altered people and families in a negative sense.8 E6 b+ d( o/ h
  10. Also, the fact is that people waste a lot of time watching poor quality programs which do not have a positive influence. People get a bad impression of the real world from such programs. Furthermore, TV is sometimes used to deliberately misinform people; for example when it is used to as a propaganda tool by governments.; l3 Y, A. t5 u1 r* {
  Section III 根据所给出的主题句写出支持句; q+ g0 z4 N3 d8 H( \' {
  11. The most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3 _1 |9 ?4 D' i, F' H+ x; n, a  ___________________________________________________________________________________________3 l0 T* N3 S' {9 L; g4 C# t
; M& w! H: ^- G  12. For the individual office worker, telecommuting would mean spending more time at home. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
+ i) t2 E' Y/ }+ [. O( o  ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5 S/ S! Q; @5 p* |: a0 O7 h- T  ___________________________________________________________________________________________
7 y/ w' p2 ]4 I1 A9 U7 J; C  13. The younger generation is essentially different from the older generation. ___________________________________________________________________________________________7 {5 R# a( l) \' Z' @3 @6 g
  ___________________________________________________________________________________________& k& u' u' F$ Q6 s
$ E. i5 h. h% p0 a6 B& l! z  14. I like traveling by bus than traveling by airplane for three reasons. ___________________________________________________________________________________________! w5 F* D  i0 U4 T5 T; ^
' _7 p( S0 x% F7 C8 S1 d) I# u  ___________________________________________________________________________________________
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