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[BEC初级] 2011年商务英语考试:初级考试常用缩略语(E)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
E. exchange; export 交易所、输出
( y# S1 v. Q0 Y  c7 H4 }- KE. & O. E. errors and omissions excepted 如有错漏,可加更正4 v9 _: }3 n7 T7 j4 u& z
e.a.o.n. except as otherwise noted 除非另有说明
8 M& t/ G. z1 @. S6 q5 M$ \. OEAT earnings after tax 税后收益, G/ v2 R4 x. v2 T( f; Y: e
EB ex budgetary 预算外6 T+ q- J% C4 t1 Q3 V
EBIT earnings before interest and tax 扣除利息和税金前收益, |/ ~' |* J- J8 _
EBS Electronic Broking Service 电子经纪服务系统
+ M8 d+ @. ?# l1 d2 C! EEBT earning before taxation 税前盈利
. T- p; `7 _' p( C4 pEC European Community; European Commission 欧洲共同体、欧洲委员会( ^2 @4 v2 g; E$ k& v; n. k
EC export credit 出口信贷
9 B8 E4 W) R3 N* KEC error corrected 错误更正6 [1 o& S+ G* y8 [) ~, I& ~
Ec. exempli causa 例如
# J, H3 o8 r6 y: U: ]( TEc. ex coupon 无息票
6 \2 h2 S7 R+ O, [+ P$ L* RECA export credit agency 出口信贷机构
5 \2 r) w3 I+ F% y1 i4 yECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 亚洲及远东经济委员会
0 }8 X% ^% `$ e, u' \2 A6 l6 W& y, OECE Economic Commission for Europe 欧洲经济委员会9 H; h2 J. @- c6 u4 f' k3 N* F- J
ECG Export Credit Guarantee 出口信用担保# M: W: ]8 Q  Y, g
ECI export credit insurance 出口信用保险+ [/ p3 {- G. h2 F& F( @# R
ECR export credit refinancing 出口信贷再融资
; @- R8 c% X/ D4 U) rECT estimated completion time 估计竣工时间
6 b7 R/ X' Y5 \ECU European Currency Unit 欧洲货币单位+ \0 _0 _# y1 u. A% B; X" D% h% P+ s
E/D export declaration 出口申报单3 @8 `+ S' I" h) G/ F* w+ R/ Y) M
ED ex dividend 无红利、除息、股利除外
. g5 p  E) X& i& sEDD estimated delivery date 预计交割日8 W# a& O& O! F! Z' q. m7 a
EDI electronic data interchange 电子数据交换
" L( |. D+ ]5 HEDOC effective date of change 有效更改日期+ q( g9 ?* v* H4 n) f4 w4 `
EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据自理
. e1 @1 I% }7 Z' c; B$ k" RE. E.; e.e errors excepted 如有错误,可加更正
* a  j/ z& x5 f2 e: gEERI Effective Exchange Rate Indexes of Hong Kong 港汇指数
7 W  M+ J' Y+ x# M+ c; AEET East European Time 东欧时间
4 G, P; n: ?& xEF export finance 出口融资1 k/ }( U: H- o$ m8 j9 X
EF Exchange Fund 外汇基金
2 u. j) E. L( ]1 e, D4 z# Y6 M/ G, T9 w! k- {/ ^1 Y
EFT electronic funds transfer 电子资金转帐

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>EFTA European Free Trade Area (Association) 欧洲自由贸易区(协会)
+ e; }# @1 H  _# z- A* {8 h, GEGM Extraordinary Genaral Meeting 特别股东大会7 q8 f6 G- @$ x3 i# Y1 k
EIB Export-Import Bank 进出口银行$ k) S2 Z( U% v" c5 G8 q: ]  q
EIL WB Economic Integration Loan 世界银行经济一体化贷款/ b. J- h* p/ y
EL export license 出口许可证
- R; C$ Q. W3 V* C5 S' WELI extra low impurity 极少杂质( @2 D, e  I& e7 Q+ h( b* S2 @
EMF European Monetary Fund 欧洲货币基金7 ^( v6 G: |3 P- C
EMIP equivalent mean investment period 等值平均投资期" [9 F& S2 p2 l; s
EMP end-of month payment 月末付款- ?' k% O5 Q, d% y
EMP European main ports 欧洲主要港口% [! E5 @# X% R' t0 [( V: S
EMS European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系
% j2 L. h6 {3 g$ m) NEMS express mail service 邮政特快专递
7 w9 S- m3 R5 Y. j# s3 m2 IEMU European Monetary Union 欧洲货币联盟
6 K" w: }( S& k) r7 |enc enclosed 停业
2 n8 w- @3 Y$ y* s9 |3 Dencl(s). enclosure 附件, O  p, K& K# O4 m' ]
encd. enclosed 附件4 X/ v% b$ F4 }/ t4 C4 h- t9 Q
End. ; end. endorsement 背书
+ z. h9 A& H6 X5 J# i- `1 l9 cEntd. entered 登记人) z3 D7 S9 ~: K( ?4 a4 L5 S
EOA effective on or about 大约在.......生效& e0 c8 D* P* M; T5 [' h" z; @
EOD every other day 每隔一日
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:44 | 显示全部楼层


EOM end of month 月底</p>EOQ economic order quantity 最底订货量
% ?# W. O9 c$ [3 q$ p. WEOS end of season 季末% g0 r  P* C8 q* T
EOU export-oriented unit 出口型单位
# G5 z0 K5 V- S) `3 ]4 FEOY end of year 年终6 q2 l: }- V3 x: \/ `0 p
EPD earliest possible date 最早可能日期
+ [2 O* w- ~6 zEPN export promissory note 出口汇票( o% f1 W7 s* L7 M+ G# Q* o
EPOS electronic point of sale 电子销售点
2 k9 M; w5 ?5 R7 K$ N+ eEPR earnings price ratio 收益价格比率1 b- h& X& |1 f' ~5 q

% _0 w+ ?0 K7 x) [: Y& X) G  F; jEPR effective protection rate 有效保护率
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:45 | 显示全部楼层


</p>EPS earnings per share 每股收益额、每股盈利额, n4 g6 P7 J3 T* Y# x1 ?
E. P. T excess profit tax 超额利润税
& m* [' |# n; h  i. n  d5 K9 M4 @$ tEPVI excess present value index 超现值指数
" |4 M# H* r) _EPZ export processing zone 出口加工区
* R! y& ?4 X  ?+ N+ Z4 cERM exchange rate mechanism 汇率机制) d, I1 B0 y! V: i% ~& T6 [/ r& E
ERS Export Refinance Scheme 出口再融资计划
  B8 V* F8 r" R, |  gESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan 职工持股计划
; W1 O9 X5 E4 x4 z# z8 E; \  bEst. estate 财产、遗产
2 }, q1 t& ^/ g5 z  B0 EEST Eastern Standard Time 美国东部标准时间6 m2 @: C9 r9 x: ]  S
et seq. et sequents 以下5 V! ]! @* d# L$ u3 p9 @
ETA estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间
3 M1 w$ {# i& ~5 c: g0 IETD estimated tiem of departure 预计出发时间
. f( ?1 i0 O5 ], f2 V) a3 @; hETDZ Economic and Technological Development Zone 经济技术开发区
/ C7 t$ g1 A/ S" S1 G) c. R% wETLT equal to or less than 等于或少于
+ {3 f. V' ^* ?ETS estimated time of sailing 预计启航时间8 E3 b, D, @9 U' d, t0 V8 _" z
EU European Union 欧盟3 U7 A$ n1 K9 R( ]2 D; v2 U
EUA European Units of Account 欧洲记帐单位
+ s" B6 T4 ]) Qex.; exch exchange 汇兑、况换
$ o) u: H9 L. q+ Oexcl. exclusive 另外、不在内. C9 |7 I% M5 U4 g# G7 Q7 C
ex cont. from contract 从合同
( R) |! d7 k  L/ K7 d/ eex cp. ex coupon 无息票/ `" _( u# s- M# a/ M
ex div. ex dividend 无股息9 y4 F+ C6 [8 e% |- ^+ J* m6 ^+ f' G
Exp. export 出口# |/ m6 d' Q% X3 W1 v1 E
Extd. extend 展期
7 u+ ]9 w2 c& f. [4 [" U+ QEXW ex works 工厂交货价
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