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[BEC初级] 2011年商务英语考试:初级考试常用缩略语(F)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
f feet 英尺
( U1 l  N: d& P: r8 A0 ~- Q$ NF dealt in flat 无息交易的
1 G" @+ s8 t/ d; o, A, x8 N9 Kf. following (page) 接下页  m! Q+ R' U. B. x- ?
f. fairs 定期集市; d3 _& f3 J; A0 _9 k) F" \2 r2 M
F. A. face amount 票面金额
: P& t: r+ Q, BF. A. fixed assets 固定资产1 d# O3 E# `9 P- f
F. A freight agent 货运代理行+ B; _; }  H0 T: G  \6 n$ \
FA free alongside 启运港船边交货
7 c  C* D) j6 G6 ^FABB Fellow of the British Association of Accountants and Auditors 英国会计师和审计师协会会员
, G8 n+ Q6 Y7 ~) l- A' n1 z& ]FAC facility 设施、设备
4 {$ H  L* A8 O6 D0 E- L* m$ |f.a.c. fast as can 尽快
/ ]% Q  u& n& [+ L1 V! SFACT factor analysis chart technique 因素分析图解法
% C9 O& f3 r' ufad. free delivery (discharge, dispatch) 免费送货1 j# i, `- x; _8 F# X1 c3 ^
F. A. F. free at factory 工厂交货
: M- g2 B7 J: M& T0 Z& gFAIA Fellow of the Association of International Accountants 国际会计协会会员
# W% |, k4 ~7 g+ I" CF. A. Q fair average quality (货品)中等平均质量# e" ~/ r" J* l
F. A. S. free alongside ship 发运地船边交货价
2 c; }  U, C5 O' ^% AFASB Financial Accounting Standards Boards 财务会计标准委员会& i$ u- g: D; x+ @
FAT fixed asset transfer 固定资产转移) t5 R5 x8 g0 o" F
FAT factory acceptance test 工厂验收试验
* F7 t4 F  i# W, vFB foreign bank 外国银行
3 U/ \9 H/ Y( W! u* M1 Z- iF. B. E. foreign bill of exchange 外国汇票0 c  r6 ?8 `; s
F. C. fixed capital 固定资本0 r# Q' t8 u. D* |3 Q* ?- T
F. C. fixed charges 固定费用
( ]& \, ^& j, D1 L  eF. C. future contract 远期合同' d! Z8 ]( Q( d- X: r  f* Y
fc. franc 法郎7 K3 k; _- D* O8 `1 n! M
FCA Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants 特许会计师学会会员
3 ~7 O3 X" b8 l+ UFCG foreign currency guarantee 外币担保) k! X9 W& l* @) U- `5 }1 ^
FCL full container load 整货柜装载. F2 e- r8 R7 L/ n' i, E9 v
FCL/LCL full container load/less (than)full container load 整装/分卸
. Y# |6 h! t( M8 S( a) AFCR forwarder's cargo receipt 货运代理行收据

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


FCT forwarding agent's certificate of transport 货运代理行领货证</p>fd. fund 资金5 d8 w% _. R1 x6 x/ }6 [, b. |
FDB method fixed rate on declining balance method 定率递减余额折旧法2 s* x0 o4 z1 ^& p
FDI foreign direct investment 外商直接投资$ @) T4 ]3 c2 h0 l- R6 Y5 }" h6 D9 I
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 联邦储蓄保险公司3 z/ q2 E( O- Q5 A( R' E
FE foreign exchange 外汇# @4 o: W+ p- B2 t# m& X+ h
FE future exchange 远期外汇
* T- I4 @/ Q. e) n* N+ sFF French franc 法国法郎
* T3 M* R) j' B( L" v, I5 ~% cfib free into barge 驳船上的交货价
3 O! r( M. A3 V2 N2 @FIBC financial institution buyer credit policy 金融机构买方信贷险
1 k/ A3 S' Z- N$ _FIFO first in, first out 先进先出法3 u# h. y8 Y6 C& e3 I/ k! |. e4 p& F
fin. stadg.(stndg.) financial standing 资信状况4 t8 v$ {. a; o( \
fin. stat. (F/S) financial statement 财务报表) d% G7 c/ M4 ?4 ]
fin.yr. financial year 财政年度7 C: O; A- ^$ j# r
FINA following items not available 以下项目不可获得! n& y. N2 S% g
FIO free in and out 自由进出
3 P, m5 Y' I; s8 z. b# T* v4 RF. I. T free of income tax 免交所得税% E) l* c1 P6 V0 ]4 n; U
fl. florin 盾
4 N0 Z* V8 r* M4 ?$ sFLG finance lease guarantee 金融租赁担保- p) o' v7 i8 _
flt. flat 无利息
2 V" R2 D# f1 p( j. UFMV fair market value 合理市价8 \# H# m0 N; j! Y% y* d3 V" t1 y
FO free out 包括卸货费在内的运费
! A) d- n& U5 }: tfo. folio 对折、页码! b' u, ^6 X! R1 T+ a! `4 v6 t
FOB free on board (启运港)船上交货、离岸价格
+ B# L, Z- `1 f! I; q- IFOB airport FOB airport (启运)机场交货(价)
# z, y; a- w! R3 a( UFOBST free on board stowed and trimming 包括清理及平仓的离岸价格
8 l( @1 v' Y4 eF.O.C. free of charge 免费+ c% ^& A8 i# b3 `0 |$ A8 _
FOCUS Financial and Operations Combined Uniform Single Report 财务经营综合报告
! K, _9 J9 ]7 k4 m. x1 @# h$ bFOK fill or kill 要么买进或卖出,要么取消
) _1 ~' n* K& @+ c: j# NFOR free on rail (or road) 铁路或(公路)上交货价
& e9 M. m$ j" E1 ?! {for'd., fwd forward; forwarded 转递
  c) Y' E; {) V$ V+ _FOREX foreign exchange 外汇
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:44 | 显示全部楼层


FOS free on steamer 蒸汽船上交货(价)</p>FOUO for official use only 仅用于公事
. A4 }) p" ~% G  mFOW, f. o. w. free on wagon (启运站)火车上交货(价)
9 E% p5 }% i3 Z7 g+ @( }3 Q/ J  C) iFOX Futures and Options Exchange 期货和期权交易所5 k0 e$ |: n- W0 i% `3 F
FP floating policy 浮动政策
- C2 o! P5 z/ P( iFP fully paid 已全付的
8 G) V) D3 t2 t7 tFRA forward rate agreement 远期利率协议
, K9 l$ n( s# I8 ^4 q( P( W, JFRCD floating rate certificate of deposit 浮动利率存单
  @! \& V+ [' m4 X- w$ {frt., frgt. forward 期货、远期合约
  f& L, @1 c. x0 n# \free case no charge for case 免费事例
- O, p  _5 U# @; m; i4 O1 w/ YFREF fixed rate export finance 固定利率出口融资
( m9 k+ g+ J; S4 x) O& Vfrt. & grat. freight and gratuity 运费及酬金% j7 B2 F- b) N. g% b+ `5 b1 L2 F
Frt. fwd freight forward 运费待付
6 `9 |$ e  Y$ a* P# qFrt. ppd freight prepaid 运费已付' l# y8 b7 @% T  J; p# Z
FS final settlement 最后结算8 a; N2 B! ~1 x$ S/ G2 J4 V
FSR feasibility study report 可行性研究报告
* ]% n$ C3 U' }: r3 i! W% ZFTW free trade wharf 码头交易
$ d( Z4 q9 W0 a6 GFTZ free trade zone 自由贸易区
. X/ i* ~- l% j% m5 Z. [& Zfut. futures 期货、将来
( I# U( _' C4 [5 g8 s+ W+ nFV face value 面值
  P% q& E- l( W7 z% b4 FFVA fair value accounting 合理价值法  `  O7 |( G/ E7 P4 C- r5 r
FWD forward (exchange) contract 远期合约
  j: G* j' M$ P5 A$ @F.X. foreign exchange 外汇8 E. R# Y. j" {& ~
FX broker foreign exchange broker 外汇经纪人0 F# s& w$ ]0 A1 |+ e8 [
fxd fixed 固定的! c3 k$ D4 J. ?) i- M1 Z3 o
FXRN fixed rate note 定息票据
( o* b; k$ C3 G& j" u! RFY fiscal year (financial year) 财政(务)年度
2 X: S! {% x9 }: H* Sfy. pd. fully paid 全部付讫' j: ]9 _$ \5 r% {% o1 o
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