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[雅思口语] 雅思辅导:口语考试中169个常见问题(二)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  41.swheresdo you think a newly couple should live? Living with their parents or on their own?
. t8 Q2 {5 Y( M+ U8 @( w  42. What responsibilities should a couple take?
* w0 V& U& G1 J8 {+ a+ m1 n- o& P  43. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?
( |4 l; s* P# K7 @6 z4 Z. w  44. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?  Q9 u9 k/ ]4 p! Y
  45. What kind of parent do you intend to be?) p  r' T- t+ e' d9 u: ~  B* ?
  46. What do you think of One-Child Policy in China?
9 F& I: N/ q8 L5 o" E. S' q" q  47. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?4 m' c+ q; d& {7 V
  48. What difficulties do Chinese farmers have concerning their old age?
5 B5 [  c4 M# ^8 \( C5 n  49. What do you think needs to be done insgroupsto relieve the farmer's worries?' l4 ?2 F' e- _% b: p
  50. What hope or fears do you have for your children?) Y* I; ]. n% b$ ^6 z0 U9 d
  51. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?
/ \$ F8 x2 C& B# J/ C  52. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?
) Y- u' p$ y2 u: s1 S" X# V3 k  53. Do you enjoy shopping?
2 h- `# k) c! G4 D5 ]4 A5 i2 G  54. Who does most of the shopping in your family?/ e3 I$ F' E3 D, D$ I
  55. What are you good at cooking? What is your favorite dish?
/ Z8 B+ L9 _* f  m  56. Who does most of cooking in your family?
: s. t. r  R  H$ H3 E9 J; @  57. Is there sex discrimination in China?
$ Z  ~8 A1 f/ u0 }6 Y  58. How do you sum up women's conditions in China?
0 A* _+ N, x0 i8 f' b( `; G  59. What are the causes of sex discrimination?% y$ \6 O# k" ^
  60. Should government pay certain salaries to those housewives? Why or why not?
, u* G  {! u( `/ `( w" u  61. Would you want your wife to continue with her career or to stay at home taking care of the household after you get married?- v0 s5 O8 a5 B) ?# k" R
  62. Have you ever wished to be one of the opposite sex? Why (why not)?6 m: M+ Z; l$ R# q8 B9 P
  63. What would you do if your next-door neighbour were noisy nearly all the time?
6 d' e8 |% t  [: m1 m8 e$ R/ n( Y  64. Do you have a lot of friend?
5 D/ J/ P/ Q, |' g: T  65. What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with?3 Q# V6 w* B- z8 M
  66. What is your major?3 X8 A3 o2 C1 P/ V' V
  67. How do you like your major?& d0 l3 ^: S9 |& ~" a
  68. When andswheresdid you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?
$ [) {- T7 E- Z  69. Do you still remember your school days?
* O# L/ D( L) W: S0 n* B& A  70. What impressed you most when you were at university?
/ t3 B, ?0 M3 H  h  71. Which is the best university in your country?
7 j; d4 p7 c5 ?7 ?! i7 g  72. Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?
( O: }  X% K' c  L  73. What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary school education in China?  {; C/ {& G: b8 e9 t
  74. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?/ _. e% |9 o, Q7 A/ w6 T5 f: Q
  75. What do you think education should be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for your future life or should it be simply learning for enjoyment? Why?! z  w. T6 ~  i! ^
  76. What do you do for a living?& a$ F* f0 P4 z3 b
  77. What do you do in the office every day?6 _( g7 m! b4 q: k6 \& z6 L
  78. Since your job seems too professional to me, could you explain it in detail?2 s, m7 ]& e& Q3 _: B- K  q) y9 r
  79. What are your job prospects?
% I$ C. X# H7 r7 R& g4 A  80. If you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do with it?

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