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[雅思口语] 雅思口语辅导:看病场景(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  男性疾病' l" @0 ?* z- \5 V/ g9 @
  He urinates more frequently than usual.
0 N1 w+ z1 M* }4 d6 I6 g- V6 g  他小便比平时多。0 e) {6 E. `$ G, l
  He has difficulty controlling his bladder.  {/ M& Z+ B. [. P6 m: n+ d* B  ?
  他很难控制小便。bladder 是膀胱。# ~& J, b: v' u8 v4 _; M' Y: b
  There are some lumps on his testicles.' {4 W% D6 s6 C
  他的睪丸有些硬块。9 }5 {, F( }/ P, M
  He has had burning or pain when he urinates.& w4 s7 T; h6 u) g2 v3 i9 }
1 A/ ~+ F3 Z& H2 m  He is passing less urine than usual.# k: p9 g: G) n1 D
  他小便比平时少。- i' q0 u$ y# B0 z  p- s/ p% v, g7 F
  He has had painless swelling in his scrotum.0 H0 o6 U& ]1 X% l
! w- X$ K" f1 d, s8 Z  He feels lack of interest in *.7 W, l  o* D! F. h9 ~2 e# J1 U
8 [$ d- u1 S2 o) F9 O3 |) f- A" x  He has difficulty starting his urine flow.
0 S7 j% [( V) A3 Z. `5 E) e  他小便不畅通。0 N7 m* ^( |% N6 q- B
  His urine stream is very weak and slow.0 }) ?. G* g, [- Z- T
  w8 ~* G5 o% M2 c7 W1 Z% S/ x  He dribbles a little urine after he has finished urinating./ M+ X& y) h. ?7 l; [, w
  他小便后,还会有少量零星地滴下。# }# g+ B0 I) {
  He has had some discharge from his penis.
" c; g+ C- p- s5 [2 n; E  他的阴茎排出一些流脓。
+ T( u1 I! t) J1 P. V  w. P  His urine is cloudy and it smells strong.
  Q2 c, \; `9 Z  他的小便混浊,而且气味不好。
$ m4 [2 Z3 q" K  [, X  He has a dull heavy ache in the crotch./ U$ F0 `2 G% {$ X2 R. X. @2 K8 X
9 F( ~2 l0 f; l' X0 y: E) V6 s; a( @  He has a small leakage of urine when he coughs or sneezes.$ f+ K3 m9 |( A7 ?
  他咳嗽或打喷嚏时,会有点泄尿。1 y0 f- @3 o+ X5 w- a
  He has trouble urinating.& _: ^" t: c& R5 ]8 y8 u

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