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[雅思口语] 雅思辅导:雅思口语发音最新9分制评分标准

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 雅思口语自从采用半分制以来,考生口语成绩确实出现略微下滑(2007年5.26,2008年5.25),其中原因不乏考生平均年龄的下降和考生总体样本的扩大。当然,雅思口语中对于语音要求的提高也是不可忽略的因素。在此,特别公布官方雅思口语语音评分标准,并在以后的文章中加以分析。; C, ]4 y; t: h8 F0 _7 I. ]
      The New 9-Band Marking Criterion for IELTS Speaking0 O- G* C- p1 y

7 S) W# y- G. q, _/ @! W& a: i  Pronunciation
6 f3 C2 f/ M  b% p  Band 93 z9 t+ F5 a' R9 B
  uses a full range of pronunciation features with precision and subtlety
' n6 j3 [$ F) D8 J2 J. R  sustains flexible use of features throughout
5 t, }, G& G" a6 y  is effortless to understand
7 L/ y! e- L- x  Band 83 y+ {. F' m+ X4 ^, [' K
  uses a wide range of pronunciation features
3 \% J: L! B9 r/ `9 o4 w; V2 e  sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapses& Q" ^8 U7 s/ N" L( x2 W9 s) |
  is easy to understand; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibility
* l5 ^% x  W# G1 j2 @8 b) E" J3 S# f  Band 72 z. X# o% W* d# S  O" {2 N
  shows all the positive features of band 6 and some; but not all the positive features of band 8
( M8 K" i7 E; s* b  Band 6
% X2 |7 |, z% n/ `0 C  s. w  uses a range of pronunication features with mixed control
% h: ]* j0 z; _  C  shows some effective use of features, but this is not sustained
0 b5 J# r7 d* o. r# u3 Z: W; w  can generally be understood througout, though mispronunication of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times。+ C; k0 r- J6 w1 Q1 w
  Band 58 M8 C% L6 ^  O/ a
  shows all the positive features of band 4 and some, but not all the positive features of band 6, w0 ?5 x0 y0 G; s
  Band 4
8 F# |6 ?8 r# \4 s  uses a limited range of pronunication features
0 W, d+ ]4 W: a" N* ]  attempts to control features, but lapses are frequent
% e1 L" s5 {' c5 P* B+ N9 e: N  mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener
/ X8 j0 n/ e6 U% |" Z) P- u  Band 37 ?$ y$ `. W% T/ J+ T! U
  shows al lthe positive features of band 2 and some, but not all the positive features of band 4( H$ Q; I1 |) k  `/ J- t6 d
  Band 2
; |7 O8 B' I. j  speech is often unintelligible7 k% N# @+ @. d2 H- c% B
  Band 19 [- X/ k) q8 w7 x3 i$ A
  no communication possible
; ]6 `0 Q& S; B6 s. E  no rateable language
1 Y  z. E  {  @  Band 0
% X6 k$ i' C% c# j3 w  B; Q  does not attend

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