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[雅思口语] 雅思口语考试:七种句型

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* W- A) Y6 G; r. J, b9 D. d) i  一、没话说(特别是第二部分的卡片题,碰到不熟悉的,说不满一分钟);
& S! m+ R4 I0 q" G; b  二、不知怎么说 (脑中出现的总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现broken English,即不成句的英语)。
  _( e' x2 p  F  以上这两点大大影响了口语成绩,均分全球垫底成为可能。而攻克这两大难点的通用武器便是——经典句型。语法知识告诉我们,英语中的三大从句各有用途。定语从句起修饰或包装的作用;名词性从句提供信息;状语从句补充说明,增加额外信息量。那么这三种从句是否也可以用在口语中并且发挥同样的用途呢?下面,专家将从语法角度来解释英语从句在应对雅思口语考试三部分话题时的巨大威力。( \. ?# l( w9 O
4 d: m" _% D, V+ S, k( K  ① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…6 ]8 J. v7 x2 `9 ^3 _
  ② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…8 k6 I- K/ S9 U3 y) F! P% H6 r
  ③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.8 i: u2 `/ x( }5 U: `
% P1 U5 M5 A1 s9 U& h0 j7 B# n  ① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句
- L" R5 t! ]  w1 @' V& l9 e  ② The most important thing is that+从句
" J1 `* [' r' H* @# e5 i  ③ Another thing is that+从句9 M- h! X8 O8 }, y1 X# ~% ?, U/ n
  ④ What I mean is that + 从句) J( e* f. l( z$ X1 ?
  ⑤ What I‘d like to say is that +从句以上名词性从句①到③是引出个人观点或信息时的过渡句型,在口语表达中可以起到建构框架,使条理清晰层次分明的作用。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]6 @' |% _3 ]. h$ e( x
  而④和⑤则是用于进一步解释说明。套用实例:The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of China‘s most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career. What I’d like to say is that he not only donated money to relief work, but also created a foundation to help those in need.6 L0 ]" J2 W; ?7 n# |) \# ^$ g' G4 }
1 M; J- ]3 {2 q" n" y! D  ① I first got to know him/it when + 从句(过去式)( l" a& Q7 W- b4 O0 `5 K
  ② (名词或代词) have (动词过去分词) since +从句(过去式)
  |( f  a; Q2 f2 g) I  ③ If I had the chance, I would like to…
; K1 _9 ^+ D" t+ e  ④ If …, then it is quite possible that I will…) D6 E/ D0 M8 e/ b& O% n' ?- i) Z
  以上句型只需稍加变动,便可应用于多种话题。句型之间的有机组合还可成为集合,碰到没话说的时候十分顶用。, `! Q# }% [- Y( o! B
  句型①套用实例:I first got to know him when I was studying in primary school. (人物题通用)) W2 k: S4 p3 N% [3 U( s5 v9 d
  I first read the story/saw the programme when I was visiting my grandparents three years ago. (物品题通用)3 |( `6 y' I4 ?! x4 r! }
  I first learned how to skate/play basketball when I was in high school. (兴趣爱好题通用)
8 x2 `3 ?9 u' S! T/ d  句型②套用实例:We have lost contact since he moved out of town. I have stopped watching the programme since I entered the university where TV was not available. I have been practicing basketball on a regular basis ever since I knew how to play it.句型
4 f' o2 @: K) D  ③是虚拟语气,表达一种设想。当问题为would you like to…时,建议使用该句型。另外,还可以在无话可说时用来应急。套用句型:If I had the chance, I would like to travel to California and visit my best friend who I haven‘t seen for ages. If I had the chance, I would like to ask Yaoming to autograph my basketball.句型
2 q5 y- r  A& n  ④是在分情况讨论问题时必备句型,也是丰富回答内容的经典招数。套用实例:Q: What do you usually do at weekends?
" L5 J  J  |5 u* A% e  A: Well, it‘s hard to say. I mean, if I am with friends, then it’s quite possible that we will go window shopping or traveling around. But if I am alone, it‘s more likely that I will just stay at home and do some washing and cleaning.当然,以上两种情境还可以变换成多种可能,如按天气状况分为If it is good weather, 和If it is bad weather; 按时间多少分为If I’ve got a lot of time,和If I am fairly busy; 等等。7 [, ]# |5 |, K: H# S# m" y

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