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[雅思口语] 2011雅思考试口语精彩语句(二)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ a/ c6 B$ n5 y/ N7 s0 |  豪斯医生我行我素,被院长撤消了他病人在医院检查的权利,豪斯医生于是怒了,去讨个说法。结果,被院长逼迫上门诊,这段就为此二人的精彩对白!# }* E6 c; R2 P8 w
  原句重现:+ P0 V; n' z$ x" ]
  House: You pulled my authorization.- {% K% d, o' J' h" o- s% U, N
  Cuddy: Yes, why are you yelling
2 I6 {( Y" I) f  X  House: No MRIs, no imaging studies, no labs.
- {3 G9 ]" h* v; l  Cuddy: You also can’t make long distance phone calls.
6 s1 C* K2 t+ O3 R# x' X4 ~. ?4 E  House: If you’re gonna fire me at least have the guts to face me.8 C' i/ q2 w$ }3 F; f( t) G
  Cuddy: Or photocopies; you’re still yelling.) r1 j, Z: v1 X  k
  House: I’m ANGRY! You’re risking a patient’s life.4 |+ u: N+ d; h
  Cuddy: I assumethose are two separate points.! x7 z. M1 v6 K0 r2 o8 U
  House: You showed me disrespect, you embarrassed me and as long as I’m still work here you have…[interrupted]" [( h2 l0 U* l3 \3 K9 K
  Cuddy: Is your yelling designed to scare me because I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be scaredof. More yelling? That’s not scary. That you’re gonna hurt me? That’s scary, but I’m pretty sure I can outrun ya.* j/ x, r% H( j: d& T6 m
  Cuddy: Oh, I looked into that philosopheryou quoted, Jagger, and you’re right, “You can’t always get what you want,” but as it turns out “if you try sometimes you get what you need.”1 b/ a) ?: Z/ g. j
  House: So, because you want me to treat patients, you aren’t letting me treat patients.
: `' `) u. P+ V  Cuddy: I need you to do your job.: g* ~& U4 v3 R' k5 y
9 b! f. ?1 N" O* C. N8 v% v  1. authorization

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