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[雅思词汇] 2011雅思听力词汇精选

发表于 2012-8-14 21:36:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  银行场景:   1. 申请表application form**
( N* g9 G5 D, o0 O1 E' Q  2. 申请人applicant**; ^- `- v3 }+ t3 J( F0 h! t7 W  T
  3. 填表格fill in the form*
' y3 K2 ~9 M  H7 @0 S0 B6 u  4. 拓展记忆:申请一个职位apply for a position*
: G. l8 }, t9 ^9 @  5. 最好是在有名的银行中开帐户:it's best to open an account
) H2 V! b/ b3 p" P& L! W5 a' U' Z  6. 银行会问你开账户的金额为多少:
* D2 t; z: c$ ^6 ]: J( s  And how much would you like to open your account with?. v+ _* K' B0 x3 e' {. ~) E
  7. 每个银行的开账户时的最小额度minimum sum不同
7 \9 i( j0 x5 Y( j  8. 要咨询一下汇率exchange rate**和利率interest rate*** J, X& O7 A$ `% r' p/ w- \# j$ v
  9. 英国的几个比较有名的银行有Barclays 和 Lloyds.4 i, I$ j; \7 `7 b- {" Y
  10. 然而,得清楚很重要一点是留学生不能享受到提供给当地学生的设施。
+ F: G& Q$ y8 d' `0 b( K# t- A  However, it's important to note that as an international student you'll not necessarily be eligible for all the facilities offered to resident students.
# i  v# r. |+ I% p1 ^  11. 银行有不同的政策,他们提供给你的服务是取决于你的个人情况,同样也取决于银行经理的自行处理。
9 [: F1 Q" d. G; P  Banks have different policies and the services that they'll offer you will depend on your individual circumstances*and on the discretion of the bank manager involved.7 D6 N/ R8 l. o
  12. 注意:documentation指的是文件总称。& J$ e/ w, {6 Y' @
  13. 作为一个留学生,你需要提供证据证明自己能够支付费用,直到课程结束0 F1 M2 Q5 I! x
  as an international student,you will need to provide evidence** that you can fund/support yourself for however long your course lasts.4 m/ l; \( m% M8 m7 B" R
  (拓展记忆:存款为funding): w2 C8 g% p3 J" T; K8 Z
  14. 除此之外,大多银行要求你带上你的护照和你的录取通知书
, H' I9 ]6 Z. W9 A5 I' {3 o8 N  In addition to this, most banks ask you to bring your passport** and your letter or certificate of enrolment *.,1 s3 E( r$ ?- R6 f# s0 W. i9 Z) F
  或者带着学校注册信 letter of registration *' C" k9 ^/ {  F, C) R" u2 W# R, Q$ u
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  15. 其它证件:" `/ l6 z. p, S: A$ k' \6 @* f2 ]
  护照大小照片 passport size photo**8 s8 S( v% }, z4 f
  驾照 driver's licence**( a4 n+ y7 f, f. X9 F
  出生证明 birth certificate*
" n4 [: I3 k2 ^$ d) w  信用卡 credit card**
! H; [  W: c% P7 s/ d" @  借记卡 debit card
. K1 U& K# x. _4 B) M5 r2 q  (拓展记忆:凭卡办理存取款和消费结算,不能透支。Access to deposit,withdrawal, purchase, and payment, overdraft prohibited.)/ t$ F6 \2 ?$ R1 O9 n
  雇主推荐 reference from your employer**  i( Q; L! {" Z: T
  账单 bank statements**. G9 `. l) E3 T5 h( ^+ q
  16. 银行会问你想多久收到一次账单?
) |" X3 }, V4 X! o  How often would you like to receive statements?4 Y) i9 k! {- J* A! E8 a/ j
  有些人喜欢一周一次Some people like them weekly.
* C) P9 ~' y1 c' p1 W% A  有些人喜欢一个月一次 once a month
  s/ A2 Y0 Y# N" h& W  拓展记忆:两周一次once a fortnight
$ P3 e! v6 Q+ X' ?* _, r  17. 有些银行会问一些信息来验证你的身份,为了安全的原因。
5 h$ u) H& Y1 k2 n; L  Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity*, for security** reasons.) t% u1 `  i- u) i8 x  ^
  最好提供父母的名字,这不太会被知道- P4 M" E6 {& [
  It's less likely to be known.# q/ `, H* |! i$ m$ E1 A1 _
  18. 还会问:
' Y4 x: I3 _- C  职业 occupation/profession**
9 v1 o, i: A8 D  出生日期 date of birth**
" h2 M( p; }, p/ b0 x2 q% Q! A  全名 full name**
5 b( w5 w% l  a( B  @  名 first name 、given name**
1 b; _* W7 v# U  中间名字 middle name
: h# z  x& }9 D4 @% }% F8 H  姓 surname/family name/last name**  E) b. s2 c5 D+ p- l4 m
  过去地址 previous address*5 e7 ^; b6 m( Z5 J% \% W& d' |1 N
  目前地址 present/current address*+ V* d9 b# |4 s
; n. C( S9 Y1 N3 |; v% P
  在目前地址居住时间 time at current address首页1  2 3 4尾页
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  19. 每个人还应该带着填有名字和地址的宣传单3 S. ]5 Z9 Y$ Y( t* U0 J8 E2 Q
  You should each have a handout *with the names and addresses……3 J8 l0 i) K: A# @3 K5 ?; H
  20. 在开帐户时,银行会给你一本支票簿,你可以用它在需要时取钱。
5 j8 }5 c3 u3 N" v8 L2 h: R2 C  When you open the account, the bank will give you a chequebook /checkbook**$ g8 H. ]0 N) }2 W, ?- a' H6 U
  and you can use this to draw /withdraw**money out as you need it.% F5 i, v: b0 N+ o. {$ C3 }1 y# H
  如果你要在商店里用支票,你会同时需要一张支票保付卡) M; C, u8 {! k; ^5 `' j
  If you need to write cheques** in shops, you'll also need a cheque card* .
& M6 B1 ~8 ]7 |5 f% c  拓展记忆:旅行支票 traveler's cheque*
# I5 y. ^4 z" U: q  这是一种认证卡(身份证),保证签出的支票能符合银行支票保付卡所对应能支付的额度6 Y4 P9 i3 L3 R
  This is really an identity card**which guarantees that correctly written cheques up to the value stated on the card will be honoured by the bank.; m+ u" c# m: z* z, m- u+ |8 `" r
1 f+ X2 R  `' q% x  If you want to draw out cash for yourself you can make the cheque payable in your own name or 'to cash'**.(兑现支票cash the cheque)7 j7 V& d5 `: O. q' K
  (拓展记忆:payable at sight见票即付§payable on demand随到随付)$ c; i3 p$ w+ G: ~% k& V
  21. 你可以用提款卡从取款机中提取现金
7 R6 L9 H# e8 m/ ]; H6 f# l  You can also withdraw cash from a cash point machine**with a cashcard*.
: @& z5 K- u' E7 |  (提款机又叫做ATM=Automatic Teller Machine)
7 R' ^; {2 ~7 B' z7 E  22. 你也许想取出超过你银行额度的钱,这叫做透支。
! S' L* e& Z" m! h$ O8 n9 z. x  You may want to take more money out ot the bank than you have in it.This is called having an overdraft**.  z* E  w; U- D. W% i) X
5 ~/ h  Y# X" x) b  Be very careful with this——you should not do this without permission** from your bank., a4 v8 G5 e8 W
  透支经常导致额外费用,虽然有些银行提供给某些学生免利息透支" @; G8 J9 r8 O( T% W8 d
# F6 {6 B0 t/ o3 F' F
  Overdrafts usually incur charges,though some banks offer interest-free**overdrafts to some students.首页1 2  3 4尾页
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 21:36:15 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  23. 对于银行转账bank transfer** ,/ f0 R  H& o% w9 m: a  Y+ y7 j! s$ \
  如果相互连接的银行可以直接转账  [) K$ v! @1 ?' N
  If we have links with them, we can do a direct transfer.( w1 {" C3 p0 O+ H9 q0 A
  24. 对于开放时间opening times:
# u2 o/ n. F0 L3 P  伦敦和其他主要城市中大一点的分行在周六开放时间有限制。
" F* `, _/ F7 D+ z5 g8 X' J/ i  Some of the bigger branches*in London and other major cities are now open for a limited time on Saturdays.* ~8 W$ V0 [1 P  K* V
  25. 还可以申请其他银行业务bank service:7 r% k, P5 }% [
  贷款loan**' d( b1 a/ L  a) [6 R/ a
  保险insurance**2 U8 w( u6 }# C, n# O
  低风险投资 low-risk investment**
$ W( \& ?& |3 _" c  I  股票和基金 stocks and shares*
7 ^7 d& j  C: c4 F  (拓展记忆:储蓄金 nest egg)1 \6 S3 i6 |6 V4 l! }3 A3 J
  26. 至今为止,最有用的帐户是活期账户# J0 `0 @& v6 ]/ p0 U
  by far the most useful type of account to open is a current account**" e7 G: M; d7 B& J% W9 }
  27. 你真正能拿到的帐户是学生帐户,其实它就是一个有特殊优惠的活期账户
( W+ b: p( U3 x2 T  you will actually get what is called a 'student account'**which is a current account with special concessions for students.5 N2 m, O' u# i$ s( J1 E
  可能免手续费service charge*
4 F' m9 E8 a& a8 ?, [* U+ E  28. 如果你出了经济问题financial affairs,有了负债be in debt,如果你的信用卡被拒绝your credit card is declined,账户被冻结account is frozen% U6 J3 ~: \  V  N7 c8 g! a
  学校可能提供你助学金grants**,或者帮助你得到低息贷款low-interest loan**
" ~% d; {7 y# L! [6 v$ ~  29. 其他重要的帐户为:
/ {# x6 b5 V4 a: r# T8 R( x& P; H8 w  储蓄存款帐户savings account*,
3 O) a! o( f! ^5 }3 y5 Z  定期帐户deposit account*
$ G0 h+ S  ^- V. z: v! y% q! Y  联名账户 joint account*
" U- J: f9 i  H6 D; T  (联名账户持有者joint account holder*)/ b$ P& z2 Y" E+ u
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