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[雅思阅读] 2012年雅思考试阅读复习全面指南五

发表于 2012-8-14 21:46:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
语境线索% h. m; p1 ?4 ?6 t, n9 X7 a
1)狭义语境线索# v+ |# @% e# s( U- N/ d* g
在一个句子范围内,该词语前后的语言单位(该词语所属的语法结构)., ]' \$ f, i# s$ s$ v) m
1. The house was surprisingly sound, though it was more than two hundred years old.3 j/ a! e- A# I- m' M; n
2. These people are mentally sound, but physically handicapped.+ q! S: T( \  R. a8 ^4 y
3. Industrial expansion is a very sound investment in present society.6 j  w6 J8 }' x3 Y! J; X
4. In the end, the enemy force suffered a sound defeat and soon withdrew from the front.0 N( B: a3 F7 f
5. I believe that it’s sound for boys and girls to have basically the same education.
( o0 A: w- k8 f1 h, q6. Fortunately, my wife was safe and sound after her ordeal.
' X' ?) O: |; `3 B 2)广义语境线索$ A' N9 {9 b! v6 t, H/ c/ z$ p
超越一个句子范围,它可以是句群、段落、章节甚至整篇文章。- B+ B- R2 y& i( v" @$ L2 W
A statesman is a wise, experienced and respected political leader.0 d; e: `( ]& Z5 l7 z
“Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but . . . they do not want them to become politicians in the process”

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