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[雅思写作] 数据类图表句型

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 t0 p6 `$ h  D9 e: S# k2 S+ w  i
4 ]2 q! t" `5 a9 W4 X) j  h$ t% y( E: z* B1. In 2009, basic and applied research spending constituted 4.7% and 12.6% of total R&D expenditure, dropping from 2000 levels of 5.2% and 17%, respectively. - y; ^1 u4 z# e

' R7 f" l% V/ @  Z2. China, which overtook America last year to become the world’s largest energy user, is projected to increase its demand by 75% over the same period. + l. l" J5 D5 l1 o

% ~7 a; ?- g+ M3. The countries where HDI has improved the least are mainly in Africa, with Zimbabwe at the bottom of the pile.  
8 }& R3 }# h- M0 e2 ~
4 H1 B# r/ k- b2 h/ _4. More than 80% of those polled in France favoured spending cuts, while only 8% supported tax increases.

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