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[雅思写作] 雅思写作指导:G类小作文模板商业信函(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% q, ]* b. ?2 @  D, C" R9 V联系. P! [% \% M5 q* s" ^* H
  我们非常愉快地通知您……- }1 L) U. R8 Q. h2 z# q
  We are pleased to inform you that...
8 h. G" G' S$ R! r  We are excited to inform you that...
% E4 M& j% G, l" T* ~! W% p* H/ H  We are happy to inform you that...
3 k" ~9 @: Y6 W( A+ A3 @  我们想通知您……8 _5 P4 ~9 k7 j! A
  We would like to inform you that...% Z8 l1 u+ h# U
  我们非常荣幸地通知您……' D$ K( T  q9 m/ q$ O# u
  We take pleasure in informing you of... *用于转达好消息时。3 @/ Z" y8 j) ~! T
  We take pleasure in informing you that...中华考试网
# _- b, I' P+ V' a( T  我们很遗憾地通知您……
" O# Q6 d1 ?7 {: @/ c  We regret to inform you that... *通知的内容不太好时。1 v' q' K' M3 V
  A6 W8 L3 `5 u% v" I3 K$ C  We are sorry to inform you that... *比用regret的语气要婉转。6 _7 ]0 w  v# J
' s0 K+ ~2 U6 K3 Z0 F5 Z  Please be advised that... *好、坏消息均可以用。

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