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[雅思写作] 雅思写作指导:G类小作文模板商业信函(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
雅思写作指导:G类小作文模板商业信函(1)1 a5 ~* B& q* [
从来信中得知3 a0 [# r% }+ v$ _
+ M6 _9 _3 A9 R9 d) H! s  We are happy to learn from your letter that...- J( G4 m6 [& ?5 x* `, F4 }/ V
  From your letter we have learned that...
3 [* D3 G5 x& V' ^6 K  我们很遗憾地从您的信中得知……
8 w7 |' r0 X3 b' J0 M4 `: n# T; F  We regret to learn from your letter that...
4 n- I8 [! q$ B/ L4 ?4 B  We are really sorry to learn from your letter that...
8 N' z' R! W: f4 c" @; g  我们为我们的差错向您表示真诚的歉意。
$ N* j* j1 O. C2 J" V. G+ ~  We would like to offer our sincere apologies for the mistake. *“从内心发出的歉意”,用sincere apologies表示。9 c5 X% K% D, g  ]  @6 S0 L7 {/ P, R
5 _# ]4 [; H# `( P3 R  It is nice to know that...外语学习网
  E  P, D9 b. y1 w2 j- h9 q; t  It is nice to learn that...0 Q$ k7 D# X; {- T4 e! \9 T
  It is nice to hear that...
! H5 ^( H% z+ i$ O" N: s  为……我们很遗憾。4 G7 H+ {8 ]: `& p$ X4 J
  It is regretted that...
# f  R1 e# q/ r  [3 p  It is regrettable that...

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