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[雅思写作] 雅思写作模板:公共场合安装监视器的利弊

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
雅思写作模板:公共场合安装监视器的利弊: C5 T3 h0 _2 ^+ r8 V! m7 B
  在公共场合(超市)安装监视器的利弊中华考试网# y; u% k$ s0 M7 ]$ c" {& k
  1. 安装监视器的优点:$ z# p2 [+ t2 e) @  H) V7 u
  利用监视器可以帮助警察catch criminals, thus reducing crime. a camera is more effective than security guards. 警察和保安不可能全天24小时工作,而camera will not feel tired.而且它更objective, sometimes our eyes might deceive us, while a machine can exactly record what happens, it can prevent much unnecessary embarrassment. Frighten off the criminals and reduce potential crime.$ K& k8 R4 k/ N( h+ j9 `# d
  2. 缺点:
6 |# A+ x; {+ O- p7 ]( [* C9 B  Critiques about installation of surveillance typically look at the infringement of people's privacy. Being photographed and recorded by the camera,很多人feel uncomfortable and no privacy.特别是女性,有些人可能会将camera获得的资料用于illegal use.
6 C* _0 |% K8 v6 S6 w  3. 总结
1 w0 c( q. Y: {4 C+ W  尽管有缺点,但是为了public safety , 监视器是有必要的。但是应该尽可能balance the need for security with respect for individual's privacy and freedom.

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