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[托福机经] 托福2012年1月8日写作机经回忆

发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1月8日新托福机经出炉啦!以下是考生分享的新托福机经写作部分,即将参加新托福考试的朋友们可以借鉴参考一下试题,分析一下试题中遇到的语法及句型,以便对新托福考试有更多了解。 中 华 考 试 网   写作
) b  G$ w* |- z4 Y! ?. k* h3 }% Z  综合写作
1 D! I( B" E& t# p1 _1 ]9 r  ^, w, k  reading:
0 U4 @1 n) B' a  a, e3 c  Chocoas(ancient people stem from US)had no system to write, so there is no records about how the roads were built.There are three possible reasons for that.
: L; }( Z# S' e5 y2 N1 [  1.move people and commercials: ]% }: d0 J9 G! A4 a% J) q
  2.for regional faction like ceremony, because a North Road有一段很长的南北方向的路。可能因为人们认为他们的神会通过路找到他们
* U2 L" @9 l4 {7 u5 l* u9 F  3.escaping way for their troops when the enemies came
" L# Y" _/ ?1 O' K  listening:8 G; k! }$ h4 {1 s
  the professor challenged the ideas from the reading
6 L, I: w  d0 g; q5 |; w1 X- s  1.there were no vehicle and animals to move commercials, so the only way is on foot. But 10 meters wide road is too wide for that.
0 x2 ?# r( s2 }7 y% c  _  @  2.虽然有这样的路,但是没法确认their belief was the same with local people(没听清是现在当地人,还是当时什么地方的人)。' J0 Y1 l$ D6 S% _: s5 C; G6 h5 Y
  3.They had enough garding for the road,没必要逃跑.besides the road was used not only by the Chocoas people but also by the enemies.有没有证据没听到4 G2 \7 S+ o7 Z  \4 z$ u

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