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[历年真题] 历年托福考试语法真题全面解析06

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
26. According to some theories derived from psychoanalysis, life is supposedly easier and mo re pleasant when inhibitions overcoming. 8 [: ~$ I7 G: T3 q& q6 |
6 D1 R5 \/ M" S3 b& J. U: p答案:D ; Q! d$ F8 Q! Y- K# G3 ?5 O0 A' r
测试点:词形。 # H8 {( B- k2 l) a6 @) G
分析:inhibitions前有连接词when,说明其后应为主谓完整的从句。overcoming不是谓语动词的形式,应为are overcome。
2 d; B9 o) I4 h: \# _$ S5 C  
* R5 {+ \& W$ T4 `# q27. When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly the Sun.  1 r+ U0 {* y) k' w8 T
  0 Z6 e, v6 n, l2 W, Z3 V8 [$ Q
# j( R: B- T/ @; b/ f" v; n测试点:词序。 ; W' p7 Z/ x7 ?" `  s, |! `
分析:介词和它的宾语之间不要加入副词。此处副词directly应在介词opposite之前。 * s1 A; F% _7 ^! I
3 W7 }. C: b4 s28. Benjamin Franklin drew a political cartoon that is credited raising 10,000 volunteers for the American Revolutionary War. ; R- c" X# Q. L" g7 D
  ( E4 x. V/ G; E/ N! N4 v
( h0 ]/ o1 d: q" V8 h测试点:习语。
$ w7 `( b3 N, J  v6 S4 k, M分析:Be credited with是固定短语,表示“被认为取得某种成就”。 2 O: Z8 {( Z& P& O& ]
2 j/ W2 u0 U6 o8 G- P2 B0 J: `, |29. The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of medieval lchemists. + u# D/ l- A+ f6 ?
% M0 E+ i  d6 O; v& N5 d! i答案:A 8 j. x$ W4 Z& m  y$ i8 o: ~
测试点:词性。 1 s, `+ m. [: |1 `9 N
分析:此处要求名词作主语,而begins则是动词形式。应为beginnings. 4 ?8 Y; H7 S6 U5 b" S6 [
  $ u' X0 o8 N; d. j
30. In many pieces of music there is a dominant theme on which the restful of the composition is centered.
; o8 H2 t" ?  x6 c$ T" {  
, J* _- N7 H& Q$ H4 u8 v; {9 B( [) p答案:C . P. G* k3 ~1 o. t
测试点:习语/词性。 4 V) T9 y5 U6 c4 V: J' V. q) L1 Q
分析:The rest of是固定短语。从词性的角度来分析,冠词the后面应接名词。

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