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[历年真题] 历年托福考试语法真题全面解析09

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while__________. ; J# A( v# x  x
(A) spoken is slander
& F, \# m0 a9 [6 K# u(B) is spoken slander
* H) i5 _. ^+ d7 b+ c; c- V; o(C) slander is spoken
6 q/ K7 z. \$ _- r9 p- U(D) is slander spoken   l- g; ^. a% ]- y0 y" J' E0 ^
  % Y5 m' Z+ x6 c$ V
答案:C # y' O. Y5 j4 k; {5 S) }/ K# Y' U
测试点:词序/主谓结构。 7 k& v5 g: x8 E$ T8 k6 W$ Q1 O
分析:连词while后连接句子,两边是对比关系,同句式、同结构。本句while前的libel is printed为“主系表”结构,应在答案中寻找相同的结构,即(C)。
4 A4 {- {1 D9 M  : f5 E% e- v4 b" `
2. Great numbers of tiny shelled animals—on the ocean floor.
4 o) @( R6 ^9 n% v(A) Live
& _4 D7 x& J8 d9 d+ k, L(B) Living ( }2 F! i2 O# Z* z% j+ J
(C) They will live
" G: O' }, k, p) C# ~6 |(D) If they lived $ }( o) @1 d. n$ _' [1 M" V# C
  7 B, ~6 L" ~4 w# r
% C/ q1 `2 z/ p/ _测试点:谓语。
5 F1 O! |# j9 Q) X; b# O5 `, x分析:空格前是名词性成份,作句子主语,应在答案中选择谓语动词,即(A)。(B)不能单独作谓语;(C) 重复了主语,(D)是从句。 # ]9 d# Z) n  E! i6 \  E, S
  6 k) L# Q2 k5 C  e! m
3. The knee is the joint __________the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.
2 P' z$ y( u) C9 C. ^) ~(A) when ! s9 ?" z, D6 y
(B) where
& F" o7 v& o/ z6 J3 G" v. I- N, r! |(C) why
/ T( c( R. F! m1 N1 M2 g(D) which
4 `. F8 C5 @6 a5 V- t    |4 W" O& i/ p- D. [6 d7 T6 h7 C1 ~% `
答案:B 9 t& f' {* Q. f8 [
5 Y+ X' X4 Z" n$ V' B% p分析:空格前的joint表示地点,定语从句的连接词应当用指示地点的where。(A)指时间;(C)指原因;(D)指事物;且与从句中的主语the thigh bone重复。 8 h9 v3 t0 g: l$ a# i
" W4 c* Q7 M, V7 q4. Closed plane figures like the square or the equilateral triangle can be grouped into a class __________polygons. * G1 [3 ?& \4 n- M4 E; j, U
(A) called
$ M! z$ p- K' X- n* c- M(B) to call % D3 p% q$ Y0 K" v8 o4 U) T- X: _
(C) is called 5 a, Y9 u: V% M# |. e% p: Y! x1 C
(D) call as 5 @8 \' K. R0 ?; [8 |
  / X% Y; \8 ^! b; B
+ U8 W" p. q! @3 J& G测试点:分词短语作后置定语。 ) J6 W" o+ b% E. j' O
分析:横线前的class是名词,其后的部分应是它的定语。这个定语要么是从句,要么是短语。4个答案中无完整的从句,只有(A)是过去分词,可与横线后的polygons组成短语,故选(A)。(C)如加上关系代词which或that则亦为正确。(B)to call应为被动语态(to be called),这种结构通常省掉to be,成为(A)的形式。 6 U, F" w" R3 a& p4 u  F
解题要点:分词短语作后置定语是TOEFL考题中反复出现的题型。它实际上等于系词(be)结构的定语从句省去which/that+be部分,只保留分词及其后成份。 * n+ ~- m, f: s- @% |
, I0 w, r! m8 u5. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have __________, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.
) b- R' M3 ^% O% x( b( t6 `(A) tastes sharp % ]2 I1 E# U; f/ K( g9 }
(B) sharp-tasting ; @* L% i& o+ k& I
(C) a sharp taste 5 O; ~' n  F" h1 r( ?8 ~; j) i
(D) tasting sharp 7 ~' e+ Z/ O. w, j# F, ~
  / z$ Z0 w- T, A" l
答案:C   ]" `; @& `6 ]9 m% R# {4 w
测试点:宾语。 $ w* x8 _3 s7 K! P8 l

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