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[历年真题] 历年托福考试语法真题全面解析19

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11. The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validity of what __________.
% z" c0 B& o7 Y7 C" M$ c(A) it is known as human knowledge
" ^2 j' l0 ~" K% L6 e(B) is known as human knowledge
+ a: N( M4 K/ U; `0 I; {# m(C) known human knowledge # {9 g* c- c/ K* |
(D) is human knowledge known
* j/ b. A+ F- ]) E" E0 t  7 T% S4 O5 a5 m/ U+ Z) E
答案:B # Z, g! \+ _6 D& A
0 \: ?  N: z6 g" B分析:介词of应后接名词性成份作介词宾语。What…结构的作用相当于一个名词,它要么是what+不定式,要么是what从句,即名词性从句。答案中无不定式形式,只有(B)能与what组成完整的从句,故选 (B)。(A)it与what重复。 1 d& e5 T/ Q% |3 y0 J# N3 D# Y+ ^
* Q6 n% k. T7 T) r12. Because of the Aleuts’ constant exposure to cold weather, they have long recognized __________ . ' }8 n0 D; }' c- g" G& s; Q
(A) and body needs to be fat
5 U* @1 |/ t* k7 x! X! \2 ?(B) body needs the fat ( K2 m% V  R3 i& y+ T; q6 U7 M
(C) how fat the body needs
0 f" g" c5 |2 d- V2 U' @! ~' R(D) the body’s need for fat / J. }$ Y. n, Q% _# p& c1 k1 z
' X5 Q3 I& }) P! [) K7 g/ [7 H答案:D
' \4 c8 W) J/ ~  l测试点:宾语。 0 ?, F* \, e' g1 h5 S0 j
分析:recognize是及物动词,其后应接名词性的成份作宾语。(D)是名词词组,故选(D)。(B)看似省掉that的宾语从句,但fat前的定冠词the是错误的。(C)如改为how much fat则在句子结构上亦是正确的。 0 v) d- m7 y( u) f
  1 d/ k) Y& U3 Y  _: H# D
13. Almost all economists agree __________ by trading with one another.
4 {  l# |3 A1 D  |) q& x" x8 I! l# \(A) nations that are gained
1 g" k+ H, o/ _* J! t! o; y(B) nations they gain
  C& d) O/ ^% x. e(C) gaining nations , ^2 _1 @" f. s
(D) that nations gain ) i5 Y% v$ H1 o5 v3 }
4 E9 W2 T# W' h& W0 R答案:D
: Y* k2 j' G7 [/ W" W, }测试点:宾语从句。
, @6 s0 k" g: n- E5 i分析:请注意动词agree的几种句型结构:(1)agree十宾语从句; (2)agree with/to十名词结构。
: A2 }& D  R: K" q  6 i1 L! D3 N1 ~, ?" S: E: G
14. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for __________ with which to regulate them.
8 ^9 B2 z8 ^8 V% k& i(A) more accurate than sundials 3 ]3 s4 O5 C$ T3 G. w
(B) more accurate sundials   ^8 E3 X2 B! F& |3 |& O5 v0 r
(C) sundials more accurately - ~5 n4 [% j3 K; e. U* l
(D) more accurately than sundials
) u. Q% |1 r6 [7 x" D  
( V$ `: }, [( ^答案:B
" f: S  Z, c7 v% h' {' a2 Z测试点:介词宾语。 " V9 ~/ H4 h- c0 L! l% j
分析:介词for后面应接名词性的成份作其宾语。4个答案中只有(B)是以名词sundials作中心词的词组,可作介词宾语。 4 c0 u6 x* d/ d1 l, ~, q
! G! Z. f; J& k4 U( p3 `' @6 i15. Anthropology is a science __________anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. * z9 e; R4 T6 `9 O' i% F
(A) in that / t& y+ E  y5 m& W; F
(B) that in
' ?- J' c" [# K( N" _(C) that : Y9 N& _5 E0 ?1 p
(D) in , l5 a2 k" i! X
2 D+ @/ b9 k3 D- |; P答案:A
' V) v, [$ F# _5 _测试点:习语。
: o6 M9 _3 y2 A. F- P' M2 @分析:空格后面的部分说明Anthropology is a science的原因,而并非修饰它。答案中只有(A)in that表示“因为”,故选(A)。(C)that是错误的。从句子结构上分析这个that无法引导出定语从句,因句中既有主语(anthropologists)又有宾语(asetof…); 从句意上分析,that后面的部分并不是前面Science的同位语从句。
5 j; {! @& E8 d解题要点:当4个答案中有in that这个短语时,首先要考虑选择它。

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