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[历年真题] 历年托福考试语法真题全面解析29

发表于 2012-8-14 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
21. Mahogany is often considered the finest cabinet wood because they has most of the qualities desired for furniture making.   n8 L8 P# m7 e9 l1 t: I4 b' V
! l- E6 h) K% Y) c: N答案:C : d1 J) d/ t. j& h5 ^5 L+ e
: \9 e* j* {4 Z! q& m3 Y0 T) ~分析:谓语has为单数形式,主语应为相应的单数代词it。 % d8 }. W* A0 N
解题要点:代词数的错用是TOEFL常考题型.注意划线代词是否与它所指代的名词单复数一致. ( E% ]: j3 O, Q+ N  K* H
% K: }- k# Z* w- r- @22. The situation comedy has proved to a remarkably durable commercial television format.  
. E1 A! R- ^  n+ \- p  
4 D: z: G: `( d& F1 k答案:B . ^* z1 X& {& j  R2 h9 j+ n
. v$ ~: L# g6 v% T8 J$ s分析:prove+to be+名词是固定结构,此处缺be.
! u4 ]8 @. }& x. i+ C( e  - W) w. @( d! h/ }5 I
23. Calcium, the most abundantly mineral in the body works with phosphorus in maintaining bones and teeth.  ) G$ x" G% F) j! D
9 b9 ~0 N) r/ a# i# j答案:A
* _5 O/ D6 Z( P* U  O测试点:词性. # G- J. M5 Y# o/ G* E! E9 C0 _
分析:副词abundantly不能修饰名词,此处要用形容词abundant。 9 Y: a8 k4 B0 P6 a9 s' Y* h" \6 D
; \4 v$ @* K0 d! C! i  
: ^! c" s2 ?  P2 ]) t24. Soil science begun with the formulation of the theory of humus in1808.  
+ R4 m7 u; q; T/ Y% M: y  ) h) B* V$ I8 z& A
0 r, Z1 d. [! U8 n3 u% L2 W测试点:不规则动词的词形变化 * d# s1 k, i& [. i9 A* k2 D
) e$ u- f1 v  y- S" j4 `/ n  $ j. w; [" ^) P& W
25. Scholars tend to cite 1831 as the started of the United States abolitionist movement.  $ E* z4 ?) ]) A* f$ V
% {' N( G  V) B5 |# q答案:C 测试点:词性。
( e; q9 Y, Y5 }- C  E分析:started是动词形式,而冠词the后须用名词.应为start.

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