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[模拟试题] 2012年托福口语考试专项练习题(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:41:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年托福口语考试专项练习题(7)4 y$ {, R! h1 `
$ I" h% Q$ o& a  托福口语话题:Favorite room- @/ ?  J5 g6 u2 |7 O
  参考回答:My favorite room in my house is my bedroom. When you enter my bedroom you will find yourself in a palace of toys and surrounded by an irresistible aroma of lavender /ˈlævəndə(r)/薰衣草. There are many pictures of famous movie stars hanging on the walls of my bedroom, reflecting my superb taste of films. At the sight of my bedroom, I bet all your senses will be brightened up in an instant and the background music which is often jazz in my bedroom will also make you long for a lifetime stay there.

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