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[托福词汇] 美国权威托福参考词汇:R 字头

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 G2 J/ n) J* K5 `/ brange ) B) ~+ x3 J/ h: E2 ]4 v
n.山脉 a series of mountains 行列a series of things in a line : ROW
7 C" q* z& _5 m7 f5 V范围, 射程 the space or extent included, covered, or used : SCOPE % q2 y' @+ q; W! p. [; w
vt.排列 to set in a row or in the proper order; 归类 to assign to a category : CLASSIFY
/ d' P3 b' B1 v' T5 B, jreach
5 J* k* p* e3 y  E/ ^n. 范围 : a continuous stretch or expanse; vt.到达, 达到 to stretch out : EXTEND " I/ l) O, y) y# u8 u2 F
7 l9 T) Z* [5 U$ x# W) h& wn.造反者 one who rebels or participates in a rebellion
# B  i8 p! I7 J. gadj.造反的, 叛逆的 DISOBEDIENT, REBELLIOUS
( g: e+ D$ l9 J( o( Zv.造反, 反叛 to oppose or disobey one in authority or control
. U. @: I3 l* irecipient
; F& i" D8 w$ b% I: a2 a: X! bn.容纳者, 容器 one that receives : RECEIVER
. @: H) h+ C$ l& k, J& t1 [0 zrecycle & u1 `5 `1 k; R% j' u! @* }/ l: ]
v. 重复利用 to adapt to a new use : ALTER n.再循环 the process of recycling
3 x* l# N2 H  N) t" m  }refrain * ?# I8 D6 E0 n  T4 \
n.重复, 叠句 a regularly recurring phrase or verse ;vi.节制, 避免 CURB, RESTRAIN
! t5 g* X( ?0 x* t2 m( G2 z; d* Cregrettably
* o# h) _5 @8 Fadv.抱歉地, 遗憾地 1. to a regrettable extent; 2 : it is to be regretted ( O. }+ Y' e, ]% j% U/ z' p
  l) N; \2 H* H7 gvt.叙述, 讲 to give an account of : TELL
1 m/ g! t% ^- M* Q8 B使联系, 发生关系 to show or establish logical or causal connection between % T7 _1 X* v' M  n5 E% m
reluctantly + y+ r1 n0 @  k, G
adv.不情愿地 feeling or showing aversion, hesitation, or unwillingness 5 C& Z1 U9 C+ w/ h
7 D0 _8 f6 M) a1 nadj.遥远的, 偏僻的 far removed in space or time
+ V2 ?7 w- U$ X3 M8 Y( ~3 Erepair
! j$ n' J* E+ d% P% G* G( ?. Jn.修理, 修补 to restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or + {, m# \2 D# r, ]/ t* j5 t  A
broken / T! i+ d/ G5 u, I
1 U  V6 C* i+ d$ i6 G8 Mn.研究 careful or diligent search vi.研究, 调查 to search or investigate
* c8 ^4 y- Q  o) \" Hexhaustively
* l3 e. c; F2 S- G$ L/ Z& Qresort
% t9 Q8 a. w  J2 W6 }+ Gvi.求助, 诉诸 to have recourse ; 常去to go especially frequently or habitually
  w. J# n! I; p/ Z度假胜地a place providing recreation and entertainment
. \# Z: _, s& S3 _9 \3 z常去之地 frequent, habitual, or general visiting
" n% O% D- {5 D7 A1 Crestore / I  c( o% L& S- q2 A0 l* l2 `  G
vt.恢复, 使回复to bring back to or put back into a former or original state 6 T7 Y# H) q3 w5 d( V6 x4 S. ]
归还, 交还 to put again in possession 4 g7 g. u6 T  L  W2 {
: ~2 x0 P1 a5 ^6 Ev.尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬 to show devoted deferential honor to & V3 b5 e; h, M, p- y8 q' v5 Q! ~
  k; K, t$ s" f- `adj.报答的, 有益的, 值得的 yielding or likely to yield a reward : VALUABLE
8 O* x% a8 |$ ?5 T- Vrudimentary
" y! G2 r; e. w+ G$ radj.根本的consisting in first principles: FUNDAMENTAL未发展的 of a primitive kind
# j! M/ X0 X: [, arun-down ' V1 C6 Y* `. K  x
adj.破败的,衰败的 being in poor repair : DILAPIDATED n.. 纲要, 总结

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