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[托福词汇] 托福考试词汇向导(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
amplitude n.广阔;振幅 [ampli=AMPLE+tude]
9 y$ a& V0 O5 |amputate v.切断;剪切 [amputee截肢者]
+ D, s" O4 g* [4 wamuck ad.疯狂地 2 @' y9 k% [! F
amulet n.护身符 [amu-let]
6 l9 y, b5 s& |1 l2 m% Ranabolism n.同化作用 [Gk anabole ascent(ANA-, ballo throw)]
2 f. q2 |0 a0 s( H" _anachronism n.时代错误 [chronicle编年史] ; w0 R! E4 H2 K) d) N" W  W* ~
analgesic a.止痛的 [nostalgia怀旧] . ]* U! {& h6 f4 u2 `
analogous a.类似的 [prologue序言] - t$ Y1 A" Z0 b) ~8 X
anarchy n.无政府状态;混乱 [anarchic无政府的] : n# a$ t. m! r/ V
anathema n.诅咒;讨厌的人或物 [ecclL, = excommunicated person, excommunication]  C+ g* F8 {( L+ p; J8 A
anatomy n.解剖;解剖学 [ana+tomy]
% d3 c  r0 B, i/ X( I3 z5 r3 iancestor n.祖先;先驱者 [ANTE-, cedere cess- go]
) a3 F) k( b* y# danchorite n.隐士;隐居修道的 [ancho 铁锚 rite 仪式]
- `# q6 T( U' o" Mancillary a.辅助的;附属的
/ b! r* w6 Y$ }7 Y# K/ eanecdote n.逸话;轶事
) f( M. Z, d' b0 L, r* ^[AN-, ekdotos ]0 ^" I2 H/ R; ~0 r  q
anemia n.贫血 [anemic 贫血的;衰弱的,无精打采的]
2 ?! y* M& r8 {# @; v$ c. @6 {anesthetic n.麻醉剂 [anesthetize 麻醉;使麻痹 aesthetic美学]
3 L" P/ q/ ~+ _# c7 b! g  _angle n.角;见地;观点;钓鱼 [an acute (obtuse) ~ 锐(钝)角 take the ~ 测量角度 He looked at the problem only from his own ~.]
; [8 e+ x; O, W5 v) Xanguish n.极大痛苦 [angu痛苦+ish anguished很痛苦的 ANGER] 7 ?1 l$ i5 A" S1 i7 @' L
animadvert v.批评;责备 [L animadvertere ]! U  h5 C* p' Y  M/ w  V
animalcule n.微生物 [anim气息,心,生命 animism万物有灵论]
2 i4 v1 i' u, {' v4 Y8 nanimated a.活生生的 [anim生命+ated magnanimous大度的 animation活泼,卡通] 9 M% X) C  q! m7 u% d
animosity n.仇恨 [anim生命 +osity]   n* @8 x: U2 s* m7 ^( V9 {: s5 c# Y
animus n.恶意;意图 [L, = spirit, mind] * q+ ~2 L5 M2 C* X2 Y% u
ankle n.脚脖子;踝 [ME ]2 |( i( _' w* V4 `& l4 `* L. G9 a$ S
annals n.纪年表;历史记载 [自annus而来,意为年]
3 V2 v5 n' z; I4 Canneal v.锻炼(金属、玻璃等) [an表趋向+ne+al火] 1 W  b( Q2 |3 ]; j7 U* t4 I
annex v.附加 [an表趋向+nex捆绑] . ?8 T3 e3 i) [9 ~: J
annihilate v.消灭 [nehilism虚无] & f3 J- q) m5 [- k
annotate v.注解 [annotation注解 connotation内涵]   j3 C2 x- A! }4 r
annoyance n.烦恼;为难的事
) k3 k1 r/ n, b! Uannual a.一年的;每年的,一年生的 [ME ]
1 X# ~6 p6 @: y0 H- N$ Gannuity n.年金;养老金 [annui=annuus年+ty ANNUAL annuitant领受养老金者] ! z9 X! C" h$ F# T$ A
annul v.废止;宣告无效 [ME ]
% k# _: \" r% [! Zanomalous a.反常的;不规则的 [anomaly 反常]
( s4 E! }% Z$ ~4 k# Lanon ad.不久;立刻
) i2 X' ~* }$ aanonymous a.无名的;匿名的 [anomymity无名,匿名 synonym同义字 antonym反义词]
6 }% ~8 O& ^; o! E/ Yantagonism n.敌对 [ANTAGONIST敌手,对手] antecedence n.居先;在前 [recede 后退]

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