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[托福词汇] 备考词汇:托福考试研究-Unit5-2

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  commiserate v.同情;慰问 [miserari pity miser wretched]
4 I# F5 Z* ?9 v' o0 c  ]9 _  commodious a.宽敞的;使用方便的 [ commodieux or med  commodiosus commodus(COMMODE)COMMODITY日用品;商品;必需品]
0 q& A) R- W- ^1 ]& y- m9 ?  compact a.简洁的;紧密的 [ compactum compacisci compact-(COM-, pacisci covenant): PACT]
; {+ B) x7 k5 S; Z: e( ^3 }  compatible a.能共处的 [compatibilis(COMPASSION)compatibility适合性,两立性;一致;调和]
9 c4 q+ q% _) C% v1 [  compendious a.简明的 [pend=hang] 1 w( _6 b; N5 g5 i- Z6 G$ f
  compendium n.摘要 [ compendere( pendere weigh)what is weighed together] " W+ f" W, G; N+ M! N8 ~) i6 r3 b
  compensate v.偿还;补偿 [compensare( pensare frequent of pendere pens-weigh)]
5 M) q1 \4 o  w0 r0 r, @' g  compile v. [ compiler or its apparent source,  compilare plunder,plagiarize compilation ;编纂;编纂物]
% C2 |6 w: I. G6 c0 ?  y4 y  complacent a.自满的 [ complacere: COMPLACENCY  complacentia " E- k7 ~% H# @8 }4 J# D* ~* n3 j
  complacere(COM-, placere please)]
  R- @" R) _0 L# s3 y) y  complaisant a.殷勤的;彬彬有礼的 [complaire(stem complais-)acquiesce to please,complacere: COMPLACENCY自满,自得;自以为是] 1 r/ i& ^. j. S6 o* `
  complement n.补足物 [ complementum(COMPLETE)] 2 B. I; ^" U$ I$ J
  compliant a.顺从的;应允的 [compliable 依从的;屈从的 compliance(对于要求、命令等的)服从,顺从;遵守;应允] 0 E; ]6 d/ E0 T. K; Z
  complicity n.共谋;串通 [complice(see ACCOMPLICE)+-ITY] 6 i, J) s/ m1 y2 G  V
  compliment n.称赞;恭维;祝贺;赠送 [complimenter It complimento (COMPLEMENT补足物;补充的)]   k7 [* C" M" \8 a) @
  comply v.顺从;应允 [It complire Cat complir,  cumplir complere fill up] 8 N3 V9 s+ h& T0 e) I' E
  comport v.举止 [ comportare(COM-, portare carry)] . D& N/ `3 c' |. ~' w
  comprise v.包括 [fem pp. of comprendre comprehend]
# C0 C, I" B$ Q: N  compromise v.和解;危及 [ compromissum neut pp. of compromittere(com-,promittere promise)] / x+ R1 X( ?. v2 @9 W) f& j
  compunction n.后悔;内疚 [ compungere compunct-(com-, pungere prick刺;受责备)] % B  j% [' V; O
  compute v.计算;估计 [ computer or  computare(com-, putare reckon)computationn]
- w6 a9 Q5 ^" p0 U1 Q  concatenate v.连结;连锁 [ concatenare(com-, catenare catena chain)]
! y/ ]9 x3 n* ]- _3 o  concealment n.隐蔽;躲藏;隐匿处 ! L$ V5 K  y: ]) |" @4 o# e8 w
  concede v.承认 [ conceder or  concedere concess-(com-, cedere yield)] ; k3 r% H+ T& {  \+ F% \; m1 S/ G
  conceit n.自满;独断;奇想;巧思 [conceive after deceit(欺骗,谎言), deceive, etc(←→humility)be full of ~ 非常自负,自命不凡] conceited[自负的,自大的,自满的;奇想的,幻想的] " B; s3 N& I, j  t& d3 F  d& D+ B; f
  conceive v.想象 [ concipere concept-(com-, capere take)] ; k- B% ^6 @6 S/ d4 P# u
  concentric a.同中心的 [ concentrique or medL concentricus(com-, centricus as centre)] 2 ?& g: ]& q" i$ u* G
  conception n.构思;概念 [conceptio -onis(concept)]
" C0 W) j& g4 k3 L! |  conch n.贝壳 [ concha shell kogkhe]
0 Z+ R: p2 {8 G2 {  ~  concierge n.看门人;公寓管理人员 [prob  conservus fellow slave] 9 G# I( @9 `0 {+ I, E0 G' x
  conciliate v.安慰;取悦于 [ conciliare combine, gain(concilium council)
  [8 ]. J* _) H% D1 ~! B  conciliation 安抚;获得(好感等);和解] : @+ Z& {& \) X* \  x
  concise a.简明的 [concis or  concisus pp. of concidere(com-, caedere cut)concision切断,分离,简洁,简明]
7 ^0 Q" v* J7 d5 e' x* n+ V5 q  conclave n.秘密会议 [ conclave lockable room(com-, clavis key)] / O5 e/ Q1 _. O; c) Z5 l& u
  concoct v.调制;编造 [ concoquere concoct-(com-, coquere cook)concoction混合;调合物;捏造;企图] : V: F' Z. g* a
  concordat n.协定;宗派间的协约 [ concordat or  concordatum neut pp. of concordare Concorde 协和式喷射客机] # g# p" n$ H4 L# r  A
  condemn v.谴责;宣告;命定;征用 [ condemnare(com-, damnare damn)condemnation非难,谴责,责难,责备 宣告有罪,判罪] * y, q6 E! }' i( ^) M: H
  condemnation n.非难;罪的宣告;非难
4 e% h/ n3 |% Y9 }  condign a.适宜的;应受的 [ condignus(com-, dignus worthy)] . K2 [& n: @. ]9 f( b( f0 b
  condiment n.调味品 [ condimentumcondire pickle 腌汁;腌菜,泡菜;腌成之黄瓜;(a ~)(口语)为难(尴尬) 之立场,困惑,]窘境, [be in a(sad (sorry, nice, pretty))~ 陷于困难] - e2 W& g7 T  b. m3 f+ j
  condole v.同情;慰问 [ condolere(com-, dolere suffer)(."一起叹息")condolence 哀悼   condolatory 吊唁的;吊慰的 condole,] [after consolatory etc.]

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