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[托福词汇] 托福词汇辅导:新托福考前必背词汇(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福词汇辅导:新托福考前必背词汇(1)' u! Y; C3 k" i: V$ l1 G, z  G
我们初学iBT阅读时, 可能更关注一些陌生的新题型, 随着我们逐渐对方法和技巧的掌握, 整体正确率不断提高时,有一种题型日益彰显出狰狞的面目,那就是VOCABULARY QUESTION.很多同学觉得,这单词题成了iBT阅读的最后障碍.对于这个问题,一则要扩大我们的单词量,再则要加强在上下文中理解单词的意思,这是两个基本点.还有一个有效的途径,就是熟悉托福机经. 本文来源:考试大网
4 E3 {, q& f% q5 D' K8 b3 E9 s6 T  ETS总是喜欢重复考点,对于单词题就更是如此.因此我不辞劳苦地搜集了许多单词题的鸡精,铺列于下.左侧为文中单词,右侧为正确选项.一定要熟记于心,因为在考场上很有可能碰到原题% D7 R+ @5 L# z0 o
0 |0 q7 ?; x/ ]: x* N  `; a  enroll to one = combine9 I- L/ T+ Q' A% W5 |8 i
  complement = supplement = add to$ e  U6 G' O8 T# J; B2 [) I1 ?  u
  substitute = replace2 L+ O  w5 {! `
  so far = until present = up to now7 F% N# n* g, b5 S6 D6 K
  rooted in = based on
, C9 x4 J6 F! y: |" `' f' _9 v  make their way = travel3 D. p5 Q, X3 l# @! k7 _
  vulnerable--open to break-open to attack -- weak --susceptible
: J2 N( Q6 \- }4 M' ?$ U9 f3 [2 U' S  perishable 容易腐烂的= easy to spoil1 {% B9 a( ^! W/ _
  Seething 沸腾的 --- overflowing/excited/active
7 Q8 I, |" M0 i8 n. P  float = stay on the top
9 G  X; |% S2 T' o, Q  be consistent with = be compatible with" I5 g- A4 o  Q! |% Y0 u7 T
  property 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute (名词意为"特征,属性")
. ~& e' ^" A9 V6 |( B# x9 v4 X  simulated ---- artificial' e$ z/ m8 f6 q/ U3 B+ g- Z
  sort --- type -- kind
7 t1 u. i+ Q  D% [* U) }' Y# O. S  staggering摇晃的; 犹豫的; 压倒的(多数) =overwhelming3 ~: J9 r, T$ U6 C3 f
  string线, 绳子; 一行, 一系列 =series
! Y5 S; x; [' m& _  swell -- enlargement --- expand
4 i' [) z- {  f% Y' a, ~# s  tract- area - terrain
$ c+ O- i. ?8 y  symmetric 对称的,均衡的 --- balance8 [! e' _1 }8 W; o; I+ ]
  taper 逐渐变小 --- diminish --- 收缩% F3 S8 _$ M% e5 A
  tenet --- principle/belief) f7 i( W) m2 P- T
  turn = change
& j% X& t! f3 a( o# f& U  vast - immense - extensive/ M; }5 Z9 Y& E% C1 ~6 A& H
  with the ordinary citizen’s pocketbook = affordable* y6 ~$ \$ l1 W2 z' P7 }- O
  advent = arrival
. a7 K0 p7 h" d4 ^0 F  affair = matter6 d3 g( |6 l% N1 z3 G& d; `  H
  chronic --- constant - confirmed 慢性的;证实的
: F* {( i% x6 z! d  consequence = result/importance  q& g2 ?+ b$ i
  counter = oppose
  [6 \! Q- P# P& j7 v  countervail 补偿,抵消; 对抗 = compensate/oppose1 Y. X  i% Z0 A
  distinction = differentiation/excellence/honor
" j; a9 `, R, \2 l4 y2 }# ^  distribution = dispersion = dispersal

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