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[托福词汇] 托福词汇辅导:新托福考前必背词汇(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
fashionable=popular% Z3 a% w6 z1 L8 _3 M* ]+ O
4 J3 F9 G# [  M( _* Q" Y  flourish = prosper4 ]) a9 ~- L' b, ?4 s! X/ e# f# S* L
% h- o' O0 j  v  funds=money3 @6 \$ V/ v. o" q  s
  fragmentize裂成碎片 = break up来自www.Examw.com1 W4 p. m: v1 {" _) `' K' g* Z1 m
  govern统治,管理,支配=regulate 管制,控制,调节# U# b" s: V1 _; y
9 t# E1 _  `5 _2 {% D4 d( c% T7 \  intense=strong* o* `0 f: P: H, x) S) w
  inhospitable 不好客的;不适宜生命/生长的 = unfavorable 不宜的,不顺利的
: ^4 T/ l1 @9 G' l  in fact =actually- q. v5 R2 L7 Q3 l. E
8 s6 g$ A8 N3 V" E% d$ W  implausible = unbelievable& C* _9 {, q/ c" Y  ?1 X( f
  irreparable不能挽回的=permanent 永久性的6 X* f+ q! G* s9 g, [1 ?
  (irreparable damage == permanent damage)
3 Z" K& L2 y8 L  implement 工具 = tool 工具" j6 {3 _# j! R% m* f2 y; ~
  inevitable = unavoidable
/ l4 ]: L5 z. l; n  lucrative=profitable/ N5 E: e! O% c  q1 b( C
' J4 @- F2 l$ J  myriad无数的=numerous
6 n, V- p  g% ~  manifest=reveal 展示
/ q4 ?9 w+ q! R; X  mandatory= required! l1 N# d8 O& b3 m, {. i+ T! o
  mock嘲笑;模仿 = pretend 假装! {0 Z3 E, y  E, e
  nocturnal == nighttime

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


, T, p* X- e2 Y5 Z8 B  occasion场合,事件=event' ]. Z: @6 [; k% l/ b
  old male=aged male8 i* Z9 }2 x: w/ W5 T( G0 J# K; b
  on the contrary=on the other hand: M7 D( r8 @& S3 M) t/ _2 s
  pigmentation染色=color2 E2 U, N# ]! [" K' s- l+ E
  perilous=dangerous=risk外语学习网. @& z$ K; g+ Z6 R
4 n7 C/ M1 j7 D  preordain预先注定命运的= foreordain
: A" j. e! i) ^8 O  preordain=appoint指定,约定
+ F7 l0 D: l* S- ]+ ~  property财产,特征=characteristic+ `3 H: i% A  t/ N+ d& o1 ]
  primarily=mainly( N- ^+ E; |  _# K$ o* f
! h8 |6 E4 G/ m) m  preserve=retain保持,保留# }* F$ M1 X' a( D3 w
  propel驱使,推进=push推动# b3 |# m( a. H. }
  rigidly坚硬地,严格地= strictly
8 c0 K' M4 J2 j  M) ]  roam 徘徊,漫游= wander
2 g5 D! L0 n; w  j  rigorous严厉的,严峻的,严酷的 = harsh 粗糙的, 严酷的  t7 K: {8 A6 h) m0 \
  t0 l5 h$ i5 a" e0 Q. U" Z, j  rendering表现,表演=presentation  H1 h: J( U3 B+ M9 @
  relative=comparative0 h0 S" H8 d) M) N
  relatively=comparatively( t- A4 W3 |) Z4 D, z% ]! j" N
0 [/ P3 }8 O0 H+ K; i8 f0 K9 L) O& D- K  reinforce = strengthen
" G8 X: s5 F5 Q  surplus=extra
9 q) H4 F. L' E2 C, V2 U; c- ~  significant=considerable=important
; J' }$ s6 B5 v8 l+ t  slight=small7 h4 q: T6 y; i# \
  surmise = guess7 \$ f  t- M7 r% w6 P7 `4 [
  scope=extent  M% T% H5 m: k' V* m( X
  stealthily悄悄地,暗地里= silently
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