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[托福词汇] 托福考试辅导:中学生怎样学习托福词汇(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Irons, stony-irons, chondrites, and achondrites are by no means equally abundant among observed meteorites.(真题)铁矿、陨铁石、球粒状陨石及无球粒陨石在可观测到的陨石中绝不多见。   【搭配】abundant in...0 i8 x; O) _& _8 [4 y2 X: E' ~" ]
  【扩展】abundance n. 充分,充足6 r8 [; T6 ?- W: W# W" t/ K
  The abundance of natural resources is an advantage for any countries.
. v7 h1 l5 J$ E1 P: I* @  abundantly adv. 丰富地,充裕地
% \% h( B0 v% `4 M( i2 x: w  【同义】rich, plentiful
. J6 x7 ?/ z+ I$ b: w6 X) W( P+ }- J8 |/ {  academy [ ?'kd?mi ]* U1 ~  [  X8 U: O
  n. 研究会,学术团体,专门院校
' @7 \$ m- A& j$ j' c  N  【点睛】Academy是古希腊著名哲学家柏拉图从事教学活动的一处林园,被称为学园,由一传说中的英雄Akademos命名,后代的教学机构沿用此名。
2 x8 e+ ^3 |7 }0 o4 z  The Academy in Athens was a place of great learning. 雅典科学院是学习的好地方。, T0 ?3 L" F5 t7 m( `# O5 J" R
  The unruly boy was sent to a military academy to learn discipline.
2 u" f5 a- K2 X6 w2 B  She was honored in her lifetime with the William Dean Howell Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.(真题)3 o' o4 v$ e, y; ?
8 E* c7 J' ?! H  【扩展】academic adj. 学院的,学术的( }- i6 P. D/ j& I0 h
  They had to discard all that was academic so that the new could be discovered. 他们不得不丢弃所有学院派的东西,以便能发现一些新的东西。  F3 T& c1 b0 L( z( ?8 z
  academician n. 学者,学会会员5 c- q; ^7 e( w, q$ B) E
  accelerate [ ?k'sel?reit ]0 l2 G1 m, k. C/ |5 P; t; Q4 s
  v.(使)加速,加快! X/ {- g) a6 A/ L- R4 [
  It accelerated the inherent instability of urban life.(真题)
4 T& e" N. z( }  What happened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution.(真题). M9 n: p3 s2 o2 n! P+ `

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