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[托福词汇] 2011托福词汇辅导:"娱乐"话题词汇分类

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  P+ P0 v! x3 ^6 s9 A9 z5 f1.“娱乐话题”关键词汇、短语和常用句型
" S! P" U5 |: X* u* V& U/ M) e体育词汇:
/ j+ v- n# D+ y5 s! r# {- ?basketball, badminton, court, field, figure skating花样滑冰; golf, hiking徒步旅行; ice skates溜冰鞋; running, roller skating 滑旱冰;rowing boat划艇; stadium 运动场;swimming, swing秋千; table tennis, track, volleyball, windsurfing帆板运动;etc." ]+ u& k$ B' y/ K9 Y0 Y3 M
文艺词汇:7 F& N: z6 Y: |& F3 B* x, u
ballet芭蕾舞; classical dancing古典舞; comedy 喜剧; dance hall舞厅; dancer, disco迪斯科舞厅;folk dance民间舞;light music 轻音乐; melody优美的旋律, 曲调;orchestra管弦乐队;pop music流行音乐; singer歌手; staff, stave 五线谱; rhythm 节奏; score 总谱,乐谱; orchestra 乐队; conductor 乐队指挥; band 管乐队; solo 独奏,独唱; duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱; trio 三重奏,三重唱; quartet, quartette 四重奏, 四重唱; quintet 五重奏, 五重唱; choir, choral society 合奏,合唱; etc.$ y7 j; A- _$ A: H+ v1 d
7 C4 y3 b& P( \' t  H( u(1) stringed instruments弦乐器: fiddle, violin小提琴; viola中提琴; cello大提琴; bass低音乐器; guitar吉他, 六弦琴; harp竖琴, etc. 6 U! ^) q* q. I' j
(2) wind instruments管乐器: mouth organ口琴; flute长笛; saxophone 萨克斯管; trumpet喇叭; oboe双簧管; clarinet竖笛, 单簧管, 黑管, etc. 4 ]& V# h4 v4 [0 u. W; {
(3) keyboard instruments键盘乐器: piano钢琴; accordion手风琴; electronic keyboard电子琴; etc; T, d# g3 i: s2 v6 ^
* H- G* q* R0 r8 E6 eacrobatics杂技;amusement park游乐园; bumper cars碰碰车;circus act马戏节目;fancy dress ball 化装舞会;假面舞会; fireworks焰火;floor show夜总会的节目表演;jukebox 自动点唱机; magic魔术; puppet show木偶剧;wire-walking走钢丝;etc.
% y1 c3 z+ v2 ?常用短语:7 s2 h+ K/ Y- p: [  x
an outing at the beach, climbing the mountain, dancing at a birthday party, going for a walk, going swimming, going to the movies /concerts, meeting new people, staying out all night, etc.
+ I3 T) g# E& {4 H9 ~& t8 p常用句型:8 i) w! F3 v3 _" y; ~3 q2 X4 S5 c! d
1. Do you want to try…
; f4 J, M% e# T5 F4 b2 g2. I’d like to see the exhibition of modern art / painting.$ v/ e' I- K( h8 _
3. I want to go shopping because …
* U7 B1 c2 E" z6 L4. If it stops raining, we can play tennis / volleyball / badminton, …! i+ U2 I: O- J1 W" {' ^7 j6 C6 k
5. Let’s go dancing tonight.  ~4 _& _/ K/ m$ h9 w
6. Let’s go windsurfing …/ p! w; c8 O8 Y% q: x
7. Shall we go to the discotheque this weekend?0 O* K7 e+ y5 z: Y
8. Shall we have a picnic on the vacation?

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